“Good food and good friends are the perfect recipe for a happy life.” – Unknown

“Food tastes better when shared with friends.” – Unknown

“A good meal is best enjoyed with great company.” – Unknown

“The best memories are made around the dinner table with friends.” – Unknown

“Cooking is like love; it should be entered into with abandon or not at all.” – Harriet Van Horne

“Food is symbolic of love when words are inadequate.” – Alan D. Wolfelt

“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well if one has not dined well.” – Virginia Woolf

“The fondest memories are made when gathered around the table.” – Unknown

“Great food is the ingredient that binds us together.” – Unknown

“Friends don’t let friends eat alone.” – Unknown

“Food brings people together on many different levels. It’s the nourishment of the soul and body.” – Giada De Laurentiis DAUGHTER AND MOM LOVE QUOTES

“In the kitchen, as in life, who you surround yourself with matters most.” – Unknown

“Food is the ingredient that binds us together.” – Unknown

“Laughter is brightest where food is best.” – Unknown

“Food is friends, family, warmth, and nourishment.” – Marcus Samuelsson

“Food is a universal language that breaks barriers and brings people together.” – Unknown

“Eating is a necessity, but cooking is an art.” – Unknown

“Food is better when shared with the ones we love.” – Unknown

“Food is love made visible.” – Unknown

“The table is a meeting place, a gathering ground, a unifier, a sanctuary for conversation and love.” – Unknown