“Happiness is found when you seek My presence.”

“My love for you brings eternal happiness.”

“Find joy in the simple blessings I provide.”

“Let go of worry and trust in My plans for your happiness.”

“Peace brings true happiness, seek it in Me.”

“Count your blessings and find happiness in gratitude.”

“When you spread love, happiness will always find you.”

“Embrace each day as a gift and find happiness in the present.”

“Let laughter fill your heart and find happiness in the joy of life.”

“When you seek to please Me, you will find true happiness.”

“Find solace in My promises and receive everlasting happiness.”

“In difficult times, remember that I can bring happiness out of any situation.”

“Open your heart to forgiveness and experience the happiness it brings.”

“Spend time in nature and find happiness in the beauty I have created.” SPORTS DAY MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES

“Happiness is found in embracing the journey rather than focusing on the destination.”

“Let go of the past and find happiness in the here and now.”

“Seek inner peace and you will find everlasting happiness.”

“Spread kindness and happiness will follow you wherever you go.”

“In moments of darkness, seek My light for happiness.”

“Seek wisdom and understanding for true happiness.”

“Share your talents and find happiness in serving others.”

“Choose to see the good in every situation and find happiness in the midst of challenges.”

“Let go of material desires and find happiness in spiritual fulfillment.”

“Find happiness in the simplicity of life.”

“Love unconditionally and experience the happiness it brings.”

“Trust in My timing and find happiness in the journey.”

“Find joy in the relationships you have been blessed with and cultivate happiness within them.”