“Love’s like a virus. It can happen to anybody at any time.” – Prof. Hubert J. Farnsworth

“Love isn’t hopeless. Look, maybe I’m no expert on the subject, but there was one time I got it right.” – Fry

“I love you, meatbag.” – Bender

“Love is a gamble. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.” – Leela

“I love you so much, I’d kill a bear for you. You know, if bears weren’t extinct.” – Zapp Brannigan

“If you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, it’s yours forever. If it doesn’t, then it was never meant to be.” – Hermes Conrad

“Love is a gift. A perpetual gift with a non-refundable return policy.” – Nibbler

“When you love someone, you have to be willing to accept their flaws and their annoying habits.” – Amy Wong

“Love is complicated, like a Rubik’s Cube made of feelings.” – Zoidberg

“Love is like a delicate flower. It needs care, attention, and a lot of sunlight.” – Kif Kroker

“Love is not about finding someone perfect. It’s about accepting someone imperfect and making it work.” – Leela

“Love is like a wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey thing. It’s unpredictable, but it’s worth the adventure.” – The Professor

“Love is like a black hole. It can pull you in with such force, you may never escape.” – Bender

“Love is like a Fry meme, it never gets old.” – Fry

“Love is about supporting each other through thick and thin, even when it means fighting alien invasions.” – Amy Wong

“Love is like a supernova. It’s bright, intense, and can destroy everything in its path.” – Zapp Brannigan QUOTES ON FATHER DEATH ANNIVERSARY

“Love is like a Neptunian slug. It’s slimy, but it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.” – Amy Wong

“Love is like gravity. It’s a force that brings two souls together.” – Leela

“Love is like Bender’s cooking. It may not be perfect, but it’s always memorable.” – Hermes Conrad

“Love is like a Bender joke. It’s often inappropriate, but it still makes you laugh.” – Fry

“Love is like a mathematical equation. It may seem complicated, but it’s always worth solving.” – The Professor

“Love is like a delivery from Planet Express. It may come in a weird package, but it’s always an adventure.” – Leela

“Love is like a Holophonor concert. It’s beautiful and mesmerizing, but it can also leave you feeling empty.” – Fry

“Love is like a planet. It’s vast, mysterious, and full of surprises.” – Zoidberg

“Love is like a Bender scam. It may seem too good to be true, but sometimes it actually works.” – Bender

“Love is like a Slurm addiction. It’s hard to resist, even when you know it’s bad for you.” – Fry

“Love is like a time-traveling paradox. It can mess with your head, but it’s worth the ride.” – The Professor

“Love is like a Robot Devil bargain. It may seem tempting, but it often leads to regret.” – Leela

“Love is like a Zoidberg dance. It’s awkward and unconventional, but it’s uniquely beautiful.” – Zoidberg

“Love is like a Planet Express delivery. It may have its ups and downs, but in the end, it always delivers.” – Hermes Conrad