“I tried to go running, but it kept making me spill my wine.”

“I hate it when I do a workout class and the instructor says, ‘You’re almost there!’ Yeah, almost where? The grave?”

“I don’t mind working out, but my favorite exercise is a cross between a lunge and a crunch. It’s called lunch.”

“I don’t have a six-pack, but I do have a keg.”

“My favorite exercise is a cross between a lunge and a reaching for my remote control on the couch.”

“My gym offers Power Yoga, which is just yoga, but with an attitude problem.”

“I don’t exercise because it’s good for me. I do it because I like food and I don’t want to stop eating it.”

“I don’t jog. It makes the ice jump right out of my glass.”

“I tried to join a yoga class, but I couldn’t get into the lotus position. So, I just drank some lotus tea instead.”

“The only running I do is from the couch to the fridge during commercial breaks.”

“I did a plank for five minutes once. It was called a nap.”

“I’m not a gym person. I prefer to work out my facial muscles by rolling my eyes at people who talk about going to the gym.”

“Whenever I see someone running, I just assume they’re being chased.”

“I finally got six-pack abs… they’re in my fridge.” SAYING GOODBYE FRIEND QUOTES

“I signed up for Zumba, but all they did was wiggle their hips. I can do that at McDonald’s.”

“My exercise routine consists of running late and jumping to conclusions.”

“I don’t need a personal trainer, I need someone to follow me around and slap unhealthy food out of my hand.”

“I don’t understand people who say running is addictive. I think they’re just being chased by bears.”

“I don’t always work out, but when I do, I make sure everyone knows about it on social media.”

“Why run when you can walk slowly and eat ice cream at the same time?”

“I like to think of my gym membership as a donation to their electricity bill. I rarely go.”

“I tried doing sit-ups once, but I couldn’t find the remote control.”

“I’m not a complete idiot, some of my parts are missing… like my motivation to work out.”

“I’m in shape… round is a shape, right?”

“I don’t need any fancy equipment to work out. I have a couch and a TV remote.”

“I just did a fitness class for the first time. I’m calling it quits… after this ice cream.”

“My six-pack is protected by a layer of fat. That’s my body armor.”