“I’m Tarzan, you Jane. Let’s swing into the jungle together!”

“Who needs a car when you can just swing from tree to tree like me?”

“I tried wearing a suit once, but let’s just say it didn’t suit me.”

“Forget about the ‘king of the jungle,’ I’m the king of dad jokes!”

“Tarzan may not be the best at math, but he can definitely count on his vines.”

“Who needs a gym membership when you can get a full-body workout just by swinging through the trees?”

“I don’t have a smartphone, but I’ve got the best reception in the jungle!”

“I thought I saw a snake once, but it turned out to be a really long vine. Talk about an identity crisis!”

“Tarzan’s favorite pick-up line: ‘Would you like to swing by my treehouse?'”

“Why did Tarzan bring a ladder to the jungle? Because he heard the cheetahs were high in the trees!”

“I’ve been living in the jungle for so long, I almost forgot what a haircut is. Mane problems!”

“You know you’re Tarzan when your idea of a romantic date involves swinging from a vine and dining under the stars.”

“Tarzan may not have a TV, but he’s got a whole lot of reality shows happening right outside his treehouse!” GO MISSING QUOTES

“Tarzan’s new workout DVD: ‘Swing your way to the perfect beach body!'”

“Why did Tarzan become a musician? Because he had a natural talent for jungle beats!”

“Who needs a washing machine when you can just swing your clothes in the air and call it a spin cycle?”

“Tarzan’s diet tip: ‘If it’s green, eat it! Unless it’s poison ivy, then just swing away!'”

“Why did Tarzan go to therapy? Because he had some serious tree-trunk issues.”

“I’ve been collecting vines for so long, I could open my own vineyard in the jungle!”

“If you want to survive in the jungle, remember the three Rs: Rooaar, Rrrun, Rrrefuel!”

“I asked a monkey for directions, but all I got was monkey business. Turns out, they’re more interested in stealing my bananas than helping me find my way!”

“Why did Tarzan become a stand-up comedian? Because he’s always swinging for the laughs!”

“I don’t need a GPS in the jungle. I’ve got my internal compass and a lot of misplaced confidence!”

“Tarzan’s jungle etiquette: ‘Always knock before entering a monkey’s treehouse. You never know what they’re up to!'”

“They say laughter is the best medicine, but Tarzan prefers swinging from vines. It’s a real jungle gym workout!”