“I’m not crying, I’m just watering my face with sadness.”

“Sadness: the tears on the inside.”

“Sadness: the rain cloud in my brain.”

“My favorite hobby: bringing down the mood.”

“I was happy once, it was terrible.”

“My emotions are like a rollercoaster, but it only goes down.”

“I’m so sad, I could win an award for it.”

“Sadness is my superpower; I can bring a room to tears in seconds.”

“Sadness is the spice of life…or so they say.”

“Smiling through the pain: my daily workout.”

“If life gives you lemons, make sure they’re sour like me.”

“I’m like a walking gloomy cloud, spreading pessimism wherever I go.” QUOTES TO MAKE YOUR EX FEEL BAD

“You think you’re sad? Try being me at a party!”

“I take sadness very seriously… well, as seriously as one can take sadness.”

“I’m so good at being sad, I should get a degree in it.”

“I may not be the life of the party, but I’m the death of it.”

“Sadness: the art of breaking a smile in record time.”

“I don’t need sunshine, I thrive on dark and stormy skies.”

“I’m the unofficial spokesperson for melancholy.”

“I have a black belt in sadness, want to see my moves?”

“Sadness: my secret weapon against happiness.”

“I sprinkle sadness everywhere I go, like confetti at a funeral.”

“I was born to be sad; it’s in my DNA.”