“Son, remember, you may be taller than me now, but I can still ground you!”

“I used to be your mom. Now I’m your embarrassing cheerleader.”

“Son, I don’t just love you, I also tolerate you.”

“Remember, when life gives you lemons, call your mom and she’ll make lemonade for you.”

“My goal as a mother was never to spoil you. Just to traumatize you enough to make good stories for later.”

“Son, the only time I’m wrong is when I think I’ve made a mistake.”

“You may have my eyes, but you definitely got your dad’s sense of humor.”

“Son, if you ever need a shoulder to cry on, don’t forget I have two makeup-free shoulders waiting for you.”

“Having a son like you is the best way to convert gray hair to highlights!”

“Son, you’re my favorite workout buddy. I do squats by picking up after you.”

“I hope you never outgrow being my little prince, but please do outgrow leaving dirty socks on the floor.”

“Son, remember, life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.”

“You’re lucky to have a mom like me who can embarrass you in public and still make you laugh.” DEEP QUOTES ABOUT SELF LOVE

“You may think I’m a cool mom, but remember, I had to practice on your embarrassing dad first.”

“Son, if money grew on trees, moms would be the happiest people on earth with all these leaves to rake.”

“Son, I know you’re a grown man now, but don’t forget your superhero cape is still in the laundry room.”

“I taught you how to walk, but you still haven’t figured out how to put your shoes in the closet.”

“Son, you owe every bit of your good looks to your father’s DNA. Thank me later for all your awesomeness.”

“As your mom, I may not be perfect, but just remember, you turned out amazing, so you’re welcome!”

“I may not have a black belt in karate, but I have a black belt in sarcasm!”

“Son, you’re my greatest accomplishment. After all, I managed to raise a human being without any previous experience.”

“Son, remember, nobody can make you laugh like I can, especially when I’m accidentally funny.”

“It’s amazing how one person can bring so much chaos into your life. Thanks for being that person, my dear son.”

“Son, you’re like a human alarm clock. Every morning, I wake up to your noise and your unwillingness to get out of bed.”

“Having a son like you just proves that God has an amazing sense of humor. And I’m grateful for it!”