“My neighbor asked if he could use my lawnmower, and I told him, ‘Sure, as long as you don’t take too long. I need to watch it on cctv.'”

“My neighbor’s dog thinks he’s a rooster. Every morning, it starts crowing at the crack of dawn. I even heard it saying, ‘I’m co-co-crazy!'”

“My neighbor mows his lawn at 7 am on weekends. I guess he wants to make sure everyone starts their day off with a nice, loud alarm clock.”

“My neighbor complained that my music was too loud. I told him, ‘No worries, just don’t turn on your blender when I’m having a shower!'”

“My neighbor knocked on my door at 2 am to ask for sugar. I mean, who makes a cake in the middle of the night?”

“My neighbor thinks he’s a master chef. He grills everything, even his morning cereal. Talk about crispy flakes!”

“My neighbor insists on having a garden gnome for every occasion. At this rate, he’s going to have a gnome army by next Christmas!”

“My neighbor’s kids have the loudest toys. I’m convinced they’re secretly auditioning for a heavy metal band.”

“My neighbor’s car alarm goes off every time a squirrel sneezes. I’ve started calling it Squirrel Alert System 2000.”

“My neighbor is obsessed with recycling. He even turns his TV off and on again to save energy while watching commercials.”

“My neighbor asked if I would help him move. I said, ‘Sure, just give me a minute to find my hiding spot.'”

“My neighbor has a garage sale every weekend. I think she’s just using it as an excuse to replenish her stock of junk.”

“My neighbor’s yappy dog is always barking. I’ve started referring to it as the ‘Barkbarian Horde.'”

“My neighbor is such a handyman. He once fixed a loose screw on my chair and ended up remodeling my entire living room.” MAKING LOVE TO SOMEONE YOU LOVE QUOTES

“My neighbor’s singing in the shower is so off-key, the plumbing tries to run away.”

“My neighbor has so many decorative garden gnomes that he now has a gnomeplex.”

“My neighbor has so many wind chimes, it sounds like I’m living inside a percussion orchestra.”

“My neighbor’s cat likes to sunbathe in my garden. I’m starting to think I mistakenly signed up for a feline timeshare.”

“My neighbor decided to become a beekeeper. Now our neighborhood has its own secret honey smuggling operation.”

“My neighbor insists on practicing the tuba every night. I’ve now learned to sleep with earplugs and a snorkel.”

“My neighbor’s dog loves to chase its tail. It’s been running in circles so much that it’s created a vortex to another dimension.”

“My neighbor has a collection of garden gnomes dressed as famous celebrities. I always feel like I’m being watched by the miniature paparazzi.”

“My neighbor takes bird-watching to another level. He sets up a whole orchestra to accompany the avian concert in his backyard.”

“My neighbor’s idea of landscaping is letting the weeds grow taller than his house. I think he’s just preparing for the next Jumanji reboot.”

“My neighbor is so competitive with his Christmas decorations that he once installed a searchlight that temporarily blinded an incoming plane.”

“My neighbor announced that he’s training his dog to play chess. I can’t wait for its first pawn move to be a ‘bark’ code.”