“I’m not beautiful like you, I’m beautiful like me.”

“Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.”

“I’m not a beauty queen, I’m more of a beauty klutz.”

“My face is like a Picasso painting – abstract and confusing.”

“Do I have a beautiful face, or did my mirror suddenly get a sense of humor?”

“My face could launch a thousand chips, not ships.”

“Beauty is only skin deep, but my awkwardness goes all the way to the core.”

“My face is proof that God has a sense of humor.”

“Yes, my face takes effort to look like this ‘undone’!”

“I may have a beautiful face, but my laugh is what truly scares people away.”

“I wake up with a beautiful face, and by the end of the day, it’s just a little more abstract.”

“My face is like a Rubik’s Cube – no one knows how to figure it out.”

“I’m like a rare breed of beauty, elusive and mysterious.” GOOD BUSINESS QUOTES FOR PERSONAL STATEMENT

“My face may not be symmetrical, but at least it keeps life interesting.”

“I have a beautiful face, but my selfie game is weak.”

“My face is like a kaleidoscope of beauty, constantly changing and confusing people.”

“I may look beautiful from afar, but up close, it’s like a funhouse mirror.”

“I have a face that even a mother would need a few shots of tequila to say is beautiful.”

“I have a drop-dead gorgeous face – it’s just that people feel like dropping dead when they see it.”

“They say beauty is timeless, but my face is more like a ticking time bomb.”

“They say laughter is the best makeup, so I guess my funny face is covered.”

“My face is like a puzzle – you need to stand back and squint to see the complete picture.”

“I’m the perfect example of ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ – let’s hope they’re wearing glasses.”

“My face is so beautiful, it’s like a walking optical illusion.”