“Home is where the Wi-Fi connects automatically.”

“There’s no place like home, except grandma’s.”

“This kitchen is for dancing.”

“Home sweet home, but cocktails make it sweeter.”

“I’m not messy, I’m creatively organized.”

“Laundry is the only thing that should be separated by colors.”

“In this house, we do real. We do mistakes. We do sorry. We do second chances. We do fun. We do hugs. We do forgiveness. We do family.”

“May your Wi-Fi be strong and your coffee be stronger.”

“Dinner is ready when the smoke alarm goes off.”

“Life happens, coffee helps.”

“You call it chaos, we call it family.”

“Happiness is homemade.”

“This house runs on love, laughter, and a whole lot of coffee.”

“Remember, as far as anyone knows, we are a nice, normal family.” FIRST MARRIAGE ANNIVERSARY QUOTES FOR HUSBAND

“Home is where you can scratch where it itches.”

“I can’t adult today, please don’t make me adult.”

“Welcome to our perfectly imperfect home.”

“Coffee: because adulting is hard.”

“I cook with wine. Sometimes I even add it to the food.”

“Be yourself unless you can be a unicorn. Then always be a unicorn.”

“Home is where the pants aren’t.”

“Love is in the air. Try not to breathe.”

“This kitchen is seasoned with love.”

“Home is where the pizza delivery guy knows your address.”

“Of course size matters, no one wants a small glass of wine.”

“This home is protected by good vibes and a dash of sarcasm.”

“When life gives you lemons, add vodka.”