“I wouldn’t say you’re toxic, but if I had to rate our friendship, it would be rated ‘hazardous.'”

“I’m not a doctor, but I’m pretty sure your toxicity levels are off the charts.”

“If our friendship were a chemical reaction, it would be equal parts toxic and explosive.”

“I don’t need a hazmat suit to be friends with you, but it certainly wouldn’t hurt.”

“I’ve decided to quit my toxic friends, unfortunately, I can’t quit you.”

“Being around you is like drinking poison and expecting you to be the antidote.”

“You’re the kind of friend that makes me question my life choices.”

“Sometimes I wonder if toxic is your default setting.”

“I’d rather become friends with a plague than continue being friends with you.”

“If friendship had a safety manual, your name would be right on the cover.”

“My friendship with you could be a case study on how not to have healthy relationships.”

“I’m not saying you’re toxic, but the ‘toxic’ part fits you better than the ‘friend’ part.”

“Our friendship is like a toxic waste dump, and I’m finally wearing a biohazard suit.”

“I bet if we tested our friendship’s toxicity level, we’d break the scale.”

“You’re like a toxic friend x-ray, showing me all the cracks in our relationship.” CHRISTMAS SISTER QUOTES

“If I had a dollar for every toxic thing you said, I’d be able to afford therapy.”

“Sometimes being friends with you feels like walking through a minefield.”

“You have a unique talent for turning friendship into a toxic art form.”

“Toxic friendships: not recommended by nine out of ten mental health experts.”

“I think I need to attend a friendship detox retreat after being friends with you.”

“If our friendship were a toxicologist’s experiment, it would be considered a dangerous substance.”

“You’re like a toxic energy vampire, sucking the joy out of every situation.”

“Friends are supposed to lift you up, not bring you down – that’s where you come in.”

“I’m all about positive vibes, so I’m going to have to opt-out of this toxic friendship.”

“I need a hazmat team to help me deal with the toxic fumes you emit as a friend.”

“If I could turn toxic friendships into fuel, we could power the world for centuries.”

“My friendship with you is a constant reminder of why toxic waste should be handled by professionals.”

“I may need a tetanus shot after being friends with you for so long.”