“Selfishness is like a parasite that feeds on compassion and kills empathy.”

“Selfish people are like human magnets – they manage to attract everyone, but they repel love and happiness.”

“You know you’re selfish when you only share a meme if it’s about yourself.”

“Why be selfless when you can be selfie-obsessed?”

“Common sense is not common among selfish people.”

“Selfishness is the only mathematical equation where one plus one equals me.”

“Some people are so selfish that they think PowerPoint presentations are about them.”

“Selfishness is a disease with no cure – except maybe a reality check.”

“The only time some people say ‘I love you’ is when they refer to themselves.”

“Selfishness is like bad breath – you might not notice it, but everyone else does.”

“Selfishness is the most contagious disease – it spreads faster than a viral meme.”

“Being selfish is a sure way to win the ‘Nobody Likes You’ contest.”

“Selfish people are like onions – they make you cry and leave a bad taste in your mouth.”

“The only time a selfish person will put others before themselves is during a game of chess.”

“Selfishness is the art of making ‘me, myself, and I’ sound like a noble cause.” MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES ABOUT RESPECT

“Selfishness is so mainstream; I guess helping others is the new hipster lifestyle.”

“Selfish people should take up beekeeping – they’re experts at making everything about themselves.”

“When someone calls you selfish, just respond with, ‘Thank you for acknowledging my commitment to myself.'”

“Selfishness is a never-ending cycle – the more you take, the less happy you become.”

“Selfish people are like black holes – they consume everything around them and leave no room for growth.”

“Selfishness is the most awkward dance partner – it always steps on everyone’s toes.”

“Selfishness is the art of making the golden rule sound outdated and uncool.”

“Selfishness is like a vacuum cleaner – it sucks all the joy out of the room.”

“Selfish people are great at breaking the ice – mostly because they talk about themselves non-stop.”

“If selfishness were an Olympic sport, some people would win gold, silver, and bronze all at once.”

“Selfishness is like a catchy tune – it may sound good at first, but it ultimately becomes annoying to everyone.”

“Selfishness is the key to staying single forever – no one wants to be in a relationship with only one person involved.”

“Selfishness is like a bad perfume – it chokes the air and makes everyone uncomfortable.”