“Sometimes I laugh so hard, I pee a little. It’s like a bonus round of laughter!”

“If peeing your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis.” – Billy Madison

“Peeing yourself is just nature’s way of reminding you that laughter can be a risky business.”

“Life is like a bladder control test. Sometimes you win, sometimes you pee yourself. Just roll with it!”

“I don’t trust any laugh that doesn’t come with a little urine leakage.”

“Peeing yourself is like hitting the refresh button on your bladder.”

“Who needs adult diapers when you have a killer sense of humor?”

“I pee myself a little every day, it’s my way of embracing life’s little surprises.”

“Peeing yourself is God’s way of giving you a golden shower of laughter.”

“Peeing while laughing is the ultimate multitasking skill.”

“If you’re not peeing yourself from laughter once in a while, you’re not living life to the fullest.”

“Having a sense of humor means you have to be prepared for the occasional wet surprise.”

“Peeing yourself is like a free ticket to a water park on a hot summer day.” IMPOSING YOUR WILL ON OTHERS QUOTES

“The secret to a good belly laugh is letting go and just embracing the potential for urine leakage.”

“You know you’ve had a good time when you have to do the pee-pee dance.”

“Laughing so hard you pee yourself is just your body’s way of saying, ‘You’re hilarious!'”

“Sure, peeing yourself can be embarrassing, but it also makes for a great icebreaker at parties.”

“A laugh so good, it makes the pee come out. That’s what we call a bladder buster.”

“Who needs waterproof mascara when you can have waterproof underwear?”

“If you’re not risking peeing yourself, you’re playing it too safe with your comedy.”

“When life gives you lemons, pee yourself with laughter and make lemonade stains.”

“Peeing yourself is like a personal squirt gun fight with your bladder.”

“They say laughter is the best medicine, but we all know a little pee can also do wonders.”

“An occasional bladder mishap is a small price to pay for a good belly laugh.”