“Hiking is just walking in nature with funny accents.” – Unknown

“A true friend is someone who joins you on a hike, even when they hate bugs and exercise.” – Unknown

“Hiking with friends is like a therapy session, but with better views.” – Unknown

“Hiking with friends: where the best conversations happen with your feet moving.” – Unknown

“I hike because punching people is frowned upon.” – Unknown

“Hiking with friends is the perfect opportunity to question their life choices.” – Unknown

“Hiking may not solve all your problems, but it’s a great way to ignore them for a while.” – Unknown

“My hiking friends call me the ‘trail mixologist’ because I always have snacks and great cocktail recipes.” – Unknown

“Hiking with friends is like a natural obstacle course, where the obstacles are just tree roots and steep hills.” – Unknown

“Hiking is the perfect activity for friends who want to look like they’re being active without actually sweating too much.” – Unknown

“Hiking is just an excuse to walk slowly with friends and blame it on nature.” – Unknown

“My hiking friends are like family, mostly because they have seen me hangry and still love me.” – Unknown SELF HARM RECOVERY QUOTES

“Hiking is the original ‘trust fall’ activity, but with less risk of bodily harm.” – Unknown

“Hiking is great because it allows you to judge your friends based on how gracefully they handle bug encounters.” – Unknown

“Hiking is like a long, scenic walk where your friends can’t escape you.” – Unknown

“Hiking with friends is the only time I can pretend to be an outdoorsy person without actually committing.” – Unknown

“Hiking is the only sport where trailing behind your friends is a sign of success.” – Unknown

“Hiking with friends is all about finding the perfect balance between exploring and taking enough breaks for snacks.” – Unknown

“Hiking isn’t about the destination; it’s about having funny stories to share afterwards.” – Unknown

“Hiking with friends is valuable bonding time, or what I like to call ‘forced companionship without technology.'” – Unknown

“Hiking is the perfect excuse to wear your comfiest socks and pretend you’re an adventurer.” – Unknown

“Hiking with friends: where the journey is half the fun and the complaining is the other half.” – Unknown

“Hiking is the only time I can convince my friends to take stupid photos with nature.” – Unknown