“Eye contact is a dangerous thing. If someone catches you staring, just lick your lips and say, ‘I was just marveling at the beauty of this world.'”

“Eye contact: the only way to silently tell someone, ‘I know you’re lying.'”

“Making eye contact with someone attractive is the adult version of searching for a shiny Pokémon.”

“When someone makes intense eye contact with you, it’s like they are trying to download your inner thoughts.”

“I avoided eye contact today. I didn’t want any of my problems to get transferred to someone else.”

“If eye contact could kill, I’d be a mass murderer by now.”

“Whenever someone holds eye contact for too long, I just want to yell, ‘Okay, okay, you win!'”

“The best way to assert dominance in a conversation? Long, uninterrupted eye contact. Works every time.”

“Eye contact with your crush is like staring directly into the sun – it’s both electrifying and potentially blinding.”

“I always make sure to hold eye contact with my pizza delivery guy. It’s the least I can do for the person bringing me pure happiness.”

“I’m terrible at eye contact. Whenever someone stares at me, I quickly pretend to be intensely interested in my fingernails.”

“Eye contact is a silent invitation to start a conversation, or in my case, an invitation to start feeling extremely uncomfortable.”

“Eye contact is the key to a successful job interview. Just don’t blink excessively, or they might think you’re sending Morse code.” I FEEL FORGOTTEN QUOTES

“The awkwardness of accidentally making eye contact with a stranger can be easily diffused by immediately looking at your own reflection and saying, ‘Wow, you’re looking great today!'”

“Eye contact is like the punctuation of a conversation. Make it count, or risk sounding like you’re texting without emojis.”

“Making eye contact with your cat is equivalent to initiating a staring contest that you will never win.”

“Eye contact is the closest thing we have to telepathy. You can say so much without even opening your mouth – unfortunately, most of what I’m saying is ‘I’m hungry.'”

“Eye contact is like a magnet; it attracts the people you want to avoid, but repels the ones you actually want to talk to.”

“Eye contact is overrated. I prefer communicating through interpretive dance.”

“If eyes are windows to the soul, then sunglasses are the blinds that tell people, ‘Sorry, soul is temporarily closed for renovations.'”

“Making eye contact with a squirrel is just asking for a staring contest, and trust me, they never blink.”

“I just made awkward eye contact with someone across the room and now we’re in love – or at least in a mutual state of existential crisis.”

“I’ve mastered the art of maintaining eye contact while secretly googling the meaning of the conversation topic.”

“Eye contact is like a game of chicken – the first one to look away loses, but the person who holds it too long is considered creepy. It’s a delicate balance.”