“I’m not famous, but someday I’ll be infamous!” – Unknown

“I’m so popular, my imaginary friend has an imaginary friend.” – Unknown

“Being popular is like being the class clown, except everyone thinks you’re hilarious.” – Unknown

“I don’t mind not being popular because that means I always have the best seat in the house – on my couch, eating snacks.” – Unknown

“Popularity is like the weather – it changes without warning and often leaves you feeling wet and cold.” – Unknown

“Being popular is overrated. I’d rather be a nobody and have somebody who loves me for who I am.” – Unknown

“Popularity is like a bubble. One moment you’re on top, and the next moment, pop, you’re gone!” – Unknown

“Being popular is like trying to fit in a box – uncomfortable and restrictive.” – Unknown

“The best thing about being popular is that people always confuse my name with someone famous. It’s like free VIP treatment!” – Unknown

“I asked Google how to become popular, and it told me to be myself. So, apparently, I need to be more popular with myself.” – Unknown

“Being popular is like winning the lottery – except you don’t get any money, just a bunch of fake friends.” – Unknown

“If I had a dollar for every time I cared about being popular, I’d have enough money to buy some self-esteem.” – Unknown

“Popularity is like a pair of shoes – you wear it for a while until it gets worn out and outdated.” – Unknown BEING SINGLE IS LIKE QUOTES

“Being popular is like being a celebrity, but only in my own mind.” – Unknown

“Popularity is like a roller coaster – it’s thrilling at first, but you end up feeling sick and wanting to get off.” – Unknown

“Being popular is like playing a game of chess, except I’m the pawn and everyone is trying to knock me down.” – Unknown

“Popularity is like a high school reunion – everyone pretends to be nice, but secretly they all wish they were somewhere else.” – Unknown

“Being popular is like being a slice of pizza – everyone wants a piece of you, but they’ll forget about you once they’re full.” – Unknown

“Popularity is like a double-edged sword – it cuts both ways, and sometimes you end up stabbing yourself in the foot.” – Unknown

“Being popular is like being the last slice of cake at a party – everyone wants you, but nobody wants to be the first to take a bite.” – Unknown

“Popularity is like a game of hot potato – one moment you’re in, and the next moment you’re out.” – Unknown

“Being popular is like being a social butterfly – always fluttering around, but never truly connecting with anyone.” – Unknown

“Popularity is like a soap bubble – it’s fragile, it pops easily, and it leaves behind a big mess.” – Unknown

“Being popular is like being a star in the night sky – you shine bright, but you’re surrounded by darkness.” – Unknown