“August is like the Sunday of summer, you know the weekend is over and you’re dreading Monday.”

“August, the month that simultaneously feels like it lasts forever and flies by too quickly.”

“August, the month when you start wishing you were a bear so you could hibernate until September.”

“In August, the AC becomes your best friend and your electric bill becomes your mortal enemy.”

“August: the month where sweat becomes your constant accessory.”

“August is the month that makes you question if you ever really loved summer in the first place.”

“August is like that awkward middle child between July and September, just trying to find its place.”

“In August, the only motivation you have is to take as many naps as possible.”

“August, the month where your summer bod quickly turns into your ‘one more slice of pizza won’t hurt’ bod.”

“August: when you start practicing your back-to-school excuses for not completing your summer reading.”

“August is the month of denial, desperately pretending that fall is still far away.”

“By the time August rolls around, my summer goals have officially turned into ‘try to survive the heat’.”

“August is when you can’t remember the last time you wore anything other than flip flops.”

“August, the month where the only workout you’re willing to do is lifting a popsicle.”

“August: the month when your ice cream expenses exceed your grocery budget.”

“August has a way of making you believe that there’s no such thing as too much pool time.” A BEAUTIFUL MIND BOOK QUOTES

“In August, the ice in your drink melts faster than your motivation to be productive.”

“August, the month where every day feels like a Monday, but with sunburns.”

“August is when you realize that being a kid during summer break was actually really exhausting.”

“In August, the only thing on your to-do list is to find the nearest body of water and jump in.”

“August is when the sun and humidity come together to create the perfect recipe for frizzy hair.”

“August, the month that gives us permission to eat every meal as if it were breakfast.”

“In August, the line between sweat and tears becomes nonexistent.”

“August is the month when you start fantasizing about living on a cloud where it’s always 70 degrees.”

“August: the month where your only plans are to ignore all plans and just go with the flow.”

“August is the month that proves the saying ‘hotter than Hades’ was actually referring to this time of the year.”

“In August, the thought of wearing jeans feels like a form of cruel and unusual punishment.”

“August: the month when your dreams of productivity get crushed by the sweet call of relaxation.”

“August is like the final boss level of summer, testing your endurance and tolerance for heat.”

“In August, the only exercise you can commit to is the constant flipping of the channel to find a show where people are still wearing sweaters.”