“Adulting: when you realize that staying up late is more exhausting than actually going to bed.”

“Adulting is like looking both ways before you cross the street and then getting hit by an airplane.”

“Being an adult is just walking around wondering what you’re forgetting.”

“Adulting is basically just Googling how to do things.”

“I try to take things one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me at once.”

“Adulting is mostly just wondering if it’s too early to drink wine.”

“Adulting: making plans you have no intention of keeping.”

“Being an adult is just walking around being tired and telling people how tired you are.”

“Adulting is realizing how excited you get about new cleaning supplies.”

“Remember when we were younger and thought that being an adult would be fun? What idiots we were.”

“The hardest part about adulting is pretending to know what you’re doing.” WINTER HAPPINESS QUOTES

“Adulting is mostly just figuring out where to get the best deals on toilet paper.”

“Why do I have to be an adult? I want to be a dog. They have it so much easier.”

“Adulting is spending an entire weekend cleaning your house and then desperately avoiding it for the rest of the month.”

“Growing up is realizing how many things can be fixed with duct tape and wine.”

“Adulting is like riding a bike, but the bike is on fire and the ground is on fire and everything is on fire because you’re in hell.”

“I don’t know about you, but most of my adult decisions are made based on whether I can wear sweatpants or not.”

“Adulting is realizing that instead of solving problems, you mostly end up managing them.”

“Do I really have to adult today? Can’t I just Netflix and chill?”

“Adulting is basically just pretending you haven’t forgotten something important.”

“Being an adult is just constantly asking yourself, ‘Do I really need to wear pants?'”