“Monday is like a math problem. Add the irritation, subtract the sleep, multiply the problems, divide the happiness.”

“Monday is a fresh start. It’s never too late to dig in and begin a new journey of success.”

“They say ‘Don’t cry over spilled milk,’ but what about spilled coffee on a Monday morning?”

“Monday is the perfect day to correct last week’s mistakes.”

“If each day is a gift, I’d like to know where to return Mondays.”

“Dear Monday, I want to break up. I’m seeing Tuesday and dreaming about Friday, so it’s just not working out.”

“Mondays are like birthdays, you wouldn’t appreciate them without the rest of the days of the week.”

“Isn’t it ironic that on Mondays, we’re expected to be productive when the rest of the week we’re allowed to be zombies?”

“Monday is the day to remind ourselves that even the worst hangovers eventually go away.”

“Monday is the day to kick-start our dreams, or at least snooze the alarm a few more times.”

“If only there was a ‘snooze’ button for Mondays.”

“Monday should be optional. Who’s with me?”

“Monday is a good day to stop and appreciate how amazing life can be, especially after a caffeine boost.”

“I don’t hate Mondays, but I can’t guarantee they feel the same about me.”

“Monday mornings: Coffee in hand, hallelujah in my heart.”

“Monday, please be kind to me. Or at least pretend to be.” YOU CAN GET THROUGH THIS QUOTES

“Mondays are the reason I drink double shots of espresso.”

“Dear Monday, I will tackle you like a boss!”

“Monday is the best day to high-five yourself for surviving the weekend.”

“Monday is the perfect day to share a little sunshine and laughter.”

“I love Mondays, said no one ever.”

“Monday is a reminder that life is too short to not indulge in a little humor.”

“Mondays are like the annoying neighbor who just won’t stop ringing the doorbell.”

“Mondays are like a good cup of coffee – bitter but necessary.”

“If Mondays were shoes, I’d step on them with style.”

“Mondays are the speed bumps in the highway of life.”

“If Monday had a face, I would punch it. But then I remember it’s just a day and violence isn’t the answer.”

“Monday: The day you promise yourself to eat healthy, exercise, and be productive. Tuesday: You wonder if it’s too early for wine.”

“If Monday had a motto, it would be: ‘Work hard, espresso yourself.'”

“Mondays are like alarm clocks, reminding us that dreams can’t last forever.”