“I did nothing today except sleep and still managed to be exhausted.”

“I don’t need an alarm clock, my lack of sleep is my natural wake-up call.”

“I’m not a morning person…or an afternoon person…or an evening person. I’m just a sleep-deprived person.”

“Sleep deprivation: the favorite pastime of parents everywhere.”

“I would love to sleep, but my brain has other plans…like replaying embarrassing moments from ten years ago.”

“Who needs caffeine when you have a complete lack of sleep as your constant energy source?”

“I look 10 years older when I haven’t had enough sleep. I’m not aging, I’m just tired.”

“Sleep is for the weak…and apparently, I am weak.”

“My life motto: Sleep is for the weak, but so is my will to stay awake.”

“I’m not asleep, I’m just resting my eyelids. And my brain. And my entire body.”

“People say sleep is important, but clearly they haven’t tried my insomnia workout routine.”

“I tried counting sheep to fall asleep, but they all ended up forming a rock band in my head.”

“My bed and I have an unbreakable relationship…it’s there for me when I can’t sleep, and it’s there for me when I don’t want to get up.” KING VON BEST QUOTES

“I’m so sleep-deprived that I’m starting to see double…excuse me while I have a conversation with my imaginary twin.”

“Sleep-deprived and still functioning? That’s my superpower!”

“My lack of sleep makes me believe I have superpowers…like the ability to understand complex math equations right after waking up.”

“Sleep deprivation: the reason I’ve added ‘put coffee in coffee’ to my morning to-do list.”

“Sleep is overrated anyway…said no well-rested person ever.”

“If someone offered me a million dollars or a full night of uninterrupted sleep, I would probably choose sleep…because then I could dream about having a million dollars.”

“I should be awarded a medal for surviving on minimal sleep. Gold, silver, or bronze…just let me sleep on it.”

“My lack of sleep has made me the ultimate procrastinator. I’ll do it tomorrow…after I’ve caught up on my beauty sleep.”

“Coffee: because adulting on seven minutes of sleep is hard.”

“I need sleep so badly that I’m contemplating becoming a professional mattress tester.”

“I’ve been awake for so long, I’m starting to understand the language of the night owls.”