“I’m sure we’ll find him. After all, this is the most boring town in the world. How could he resist?!”

“Remember, Sora, we may be apart, but we’re always connected by…health.”

“I’ve been having these weird thoughts lately…like, is any of this for real or not?”

“Aw, come on, guys. How can you forget about me? I’m like, the token Disney character!”

“Do you think he’s a bad guy? Goofy? Nah, he’s just…well, goofy.”

“Wow, Riku. You’ve changed. You’re the master of Darkness Incarnate and you still can’t grow a proper beard.”

“You know, it’s really hard to take these Heartless seriously when their main attack is just bumping into you.”

“Ansem’s Report #327: How does anyone actually have time to write hundreds of reports while trying to take over the world?”

“Olette, you’re the magical girl of our group! Use your powers to summon a pizza!”

“Kairi, remember, even if you’re asleep, I’ll wake you up with the power of true love’s…wait, wrong Disney movie.”

“Can someone please explain why we’re fighting Halloween Town’s worst nightmare, a giant sack of bugs?”

“Why do we keep getting attacked by random Disney villains? Did Mickey forget to pay his parking tickets or something?”

“Did you know that the Heartless threat is just a really elaborate plan to sell more Keyblade accessories?” FATHER AND SON SLEEPING TOGETHER QUOTES

“Sora, you’re really good at jumping and swinging a Keyblade. Have you considered joining a circus?”

“Can we take a moment to appreciate the fact that Donald can cast powerful magic spells but still can’t cure a simple cold?”

“Sora, remember, every time you defeat a Heartless, a small part of their theme park profits die.”

“Hey, Sora, I bet if we collect enough Munny, we can start our own Keyblade Academy with blackjack and Cheshire Cats.”

“I don’t know about you guys, but I’m still trying to figure out how these zippers on my clothes actually work.”

“Riku, stop brooding and join us on a quest to find the world’s best hair gel.”

“There’s nothing more awkward than being a part-time Keyblade wielder and trying to explain that on a job application.”

“I am Sora, destroyer of Barrels and opener of treasure chests! Fear me!”

“The only thing more confusing than the plot of Kingdom Hearts is trying to explain it to someone who’s never played the games.”

“Axel, if you don’t stop setting everything on fire, we’re going to have to limit your access to matches.”

“I have a better chance of finding true love’s kiss than understanding the timeline of Kingdom Hearts.”