“Ice cream solves everything.”

“I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!”

“You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy ice cream, and that’s pretty close.”

“I’m sorry for what I said when I was craving ice cream.”

“Life is too short for counting calories when there’s ice cream to be enjoyed.”

“I never say no to ice cream. It’s a rocky road, but it always leads to happiness.”

“Ice cream is happiness on a cone.”

“Ice cream is my comfort food. It understands me.”

“Exercise is great, but have you ever tried eating ice cream?”

“I may not always know what I want, but I know I want ice cream.”

“I don’t need an excuse to eat ice cream. It’s always a good time for a scoop.”

“Ice cream should be its own food group. It’s essential for survival.”

“Ice cream: because who needs a spoonful of sugar when you can have a whole scoop instead?”

“I’m on a seafood diet. I see food, and I eat ice cream.” THANK GOD QUOTES FOR GRADUATION

“When life gives you lemons, grab some sugar and make lemon-flavored ice cream.”

“Ice cream is proof that good things come to those who wait in line at the dessert counter.”

“I’m not addicted to ice cream, we just have a very close relationship.”

“You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy ice cream, and that’s practically the same thing.”

“Ice cream doesn’t ask questions, it just melts all your troubles away.”

“Some people say money can’t buy happiness, but I’ve never seen anyone sad while eating ice cream.”

“Every scoop of ice cream is like a little victory in a cone.”

“I enjoy long walks to the ice cream shop.”

“There’s no better way to beat the heat than with a big bowl of ice cream.”

“Forget love, I’d rather fall in chocolate ice cream.”

“Chocolate doesn’t ask silly questions – chocolate understands.”

“Who needs a dessert menu when you can just order ice cream?”