“You’re despicable!”

“I’m not crazy. I just have lots of wacky ideas!”

“It’s rabbit season! Duck season! Rabbit season! Duck season! Rabbit season! Duck season! Fire!”

“Ah, the old bait and switch, my specialty!”

“I’m going to wring that duck’s neck!”

“No one outsmarts Daffy Duck!”

“I’m hunting for wabbits!”

“I’m a star! I’m a genius! I’m the greatest!”

“I demand equal rights for ducks!”

“You can’t catch me, I’m Daffy Duck!”

“I’m not a miniature airplane, I’m Daffy Duck!”

“What’s up, Doc?”

“I’m in a bad mood – a really bad mood!”

“I’m a multimillionaire! I have over five dollars!”

“Fame has its price. Luckily, I can afford it!” MOTIVATIONAL ELON MUSK QUOTES

“I’m not playing dead. I’m just resting my eyes!”

“I’m too fabulous for this nonsense!”

“Some people talk to animals. Not many listen though. That’s the problem!”

“I may not be a superhero, but I’m Daffy Duck, and that’s pretty close!”

“Nobody messes with Daffy Duck and gets away with it!”

“If you can’t beat them, annoy them!”

“I’ll get it! I’ll get it! I’ll get it! I got it. I ain’t got it.”

“I’m not clumsy; just the floor hates me!”

“I’m not a procrastinator; I just prefer last-minute ingenuity!”

“Out of my way, small fry. This is big-league stuff!”

“I’m not overweight; I’m undertall!”

“I’m one clever duck in a world full of quacks!”

“I’m not a troublemaker; I’m just inclined to mild acts of mayhem!”

“Duck Dodger to the rescue! It’s duck season!”