“I love rainy days, except when I forget my umbrella and end up looking like a waterlogged walrus.”

“Rainy days are perfect for curling up in bed with a good book, procrastinating, and pretending to be a functioning adult.”

“I wish my bank account would rain money on me like these clouds rain water.”

“I like rainy days because I can blame my frizzy hair on the weather instead of my lack of hair care skills.”

“Rainy days are nature’s way of telling us it’s time to binge-watch our favorite shows and eat way too much comfort food.”

“Rainy days are like Mondays, except with extra wet socks.”

“I think clouds are just the universe’s way of showing off its cotton candy-making skills.”

“Rainy days make me feel like a cat – all I want to do is nap and ignore everyone around me.”

“The problem with rainy days is that they always seem to inspire my worst attempts at singing in the shower.”

“I don’t mind cloudy days, as long as they come with a side of unlimited hot chocolate and cozy blankets.”

“On a rainy day, you can either choose to embrace the weather or use it as an excuse to stay in bed all day. Guess which one I choose.”

“Rainy days and Mondays always get me down…mostly because they make my hair look like a poodle’s perm gone wrong.”

“Rainbows are just God’s way of saying, ‘Hey, I know you had a bad day, but look at all these pretty colors!'”

“With a dreary, cloudy day like this, my mood matches the weather – fifty shades of ‘meh’.” ZADIE SMITH ON BEAUTY QUOTES

“Rainy days are great for people-watching, except when you’re the one being secretly judged for wearing mismatched socks and a raincoat that hasn’t been fashionable since the ’80s.”

“Nothing makes me appreciate the sun more than a cloudy day that seems to suck the life out of me.”

“It’s raining cats and dogs, which makes me worried they might form a feline-dog alliance and take over the world.”

“I love rainy days because it gives me an excuse to use my collection of brightly-colored umbrellas and pretend I’m walking around in a giant piñata.”

“Rainy days are the perfect excuse to stay home and finally organize that drawer full of random junk that you’re convince might actually be valuable someday.”

“The only good thing about a cloudy day is that it makes people look less attractive, so I can pretend I’m the hot one for once.”

“Sunny days are overrated; I prefer my days grey and gloomy, just like my coffee.”

“On a cloudy day, I like to imagine the sun is just playing hide-and-seek with us, and if we keep looking, we’ll eventually find it and win a lifetime supply of sunscreen.”

“Rainy days are like the weather’s way of saying, ‘Hey, remember that time you tripped in front of your crush? Here’s a never-ending reminder!'”

“I feel like clouds are the world’s way of telling us that sometimes, even the sky needs a good cry.”

“Rainy days are the perfect excuse for a pajama party, because who needs real clothes when all you want to do is dance in the rain?”

“I don’t mind cloudy days, as long as the clouds don’t burst into tears like I do when I stub my toe on the coffee table.”

“A cloudy day is like life’s way of saying, ‘Hey, let’s see how many puddles you can jump in before you regret wearing those white sneakers!'”