“Don’t let worries kill you, let the church help!”

“God answers knee-mail!”

“Come in and pray today – beat the Christmas rush!”

“Even Jesus had a fish story.”

“Looking for a sign from God? This is it!”

“Free trip to heaven—details inside!”

“Walmart isn’t the only saving place!”

“I was addicted to the Hokey Pokey but I turned myself around!”

“Exercise daily. Walk with the Lord!”

“God knows our politicians by name… all of them!”

“Life is short. Pray hard!”

“Too hot to keep changing the sign. . . Sin bad, Jesus good—details inside!”

“Forbidden fruit creates many jams.”

“Don’t let your worries go unanswered, join us for Sunday service!” GOD WILL LEAD THE WAY QUOTES

“Stop, drop, and roll doesn’t work in Hell.”

“He who kneels before God can stand before anyone.”

“Santa Claus never died for your sins.”

“Love thy neighbor, even if they vote differently.”

“The Bible won’t be trending, it’s timeless.”

“Faith is not a feeling – it’s a decision.”

“God has no Wi-Fi, but He’s got the best connection.”

“Good thing Noah didn’t learn to fish from YouTube!”

“Give your worries to God. He’s up all night anyway.”

“Keep calm and pray on.”

“Jesus loves you, but some of us need to work on it.”

“If you think our service is boring, just wait until judgment day!”