“I lifted a weight once… it was the remote control for the TV.”

“Hulk may have big biceps, but do you know who has the strongest arms? The person who can carry 10 grocery bags in one trip.”

“I don’t always do arm day, but when I do, I make sure to take extra selfies.”

“I’m not saying I’m a superhero, but you’ll never see Batman and me in the same gym on arm day.”

“I asked my arms why they don’t look like The Rock’s. They replied, ‘Because you feed us chips and Netflix, not dumbbells and protein.'”

“When life gets tough, remember that bicep curls won’t solve your problems, but they’ll make you feel better about them!”

“I do arm day because I like to wave goodbye to the gains I made.”

“I have a love-hate relationship with arm day. I love feeling accomplished, but hate waving goodbye to my gains in the mirror.”

“The only thing that might motivate me on arm day is the thought of how good my flexed arm will look in a selfie.”

“I’ve been doing arm day for so long that I can now open a pickle jar with just my pinky.”

“On arm day at the gym, I’m basically renting a spot in front of the mirror to admire my biceps.”

“Forget about ‘strong is the new skinny.’ On arm day, ‘swollen is the new goal!'”

“Arm day at the gym: where the real competition is not lifting weights, but getting a good pump-up song on the playlist.”

“I don’t always feel the burn on arm day, but when I do, I blame it on the workout plans I found on the internet.”

“Arm day has a way of making me feel simultaneously pumped and exhausted. It’s like a love-hate relationship with my own appendages.” SISTER FRAME QUOTE

“They say you don’t really know your strength until you’ve done arm day at the gym. Turns out, my strength is in avoiding arm day.”

“I thought arm day at the gym was all about building muscles, but it turns out it’s also about discovering new levels of soreness.”

“After my first arm day at the gym, I woke up feeling like I was wearing someone else’s arms. I guess those weights weren’t just for decoration!”

“Arnold Schwarzenegger once said, ‘You can’t climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pockets’—unless you’re doing pull-ups on arm day!”

“They say slow progress is better than no progress. Well, on arm day, my progress feels like a snail on a treadmill.”

“I don’t always wear tank tops, but when I do, it’s definitely on arm day at the gym.”

“I regret doing arm day at the gym… said no one ever… except maybe when they had to put on a tight-fitting shirt the next day.”

“Arm day: the one day at the gym where it’s socially acceptable to flex your muscles and check yourself out in the mirror… like any other day.”

“The problem with arm day at the gym is that my arms always feel like noodles afterwards. Maybe it’s time to switch to spaghetti day?”

“If my arms were as strong as my desire to skip arm day at the gym, I’d be bench pressing cars by now.”

“I used to think arm day at the gym was all about lifting heavy weights. Now I know it’s all about trying to take cute #fitfam Instagram photos.”

“Arm day at the gym is like my relationship status: it’s complicated.”

“They say the hardest part of arm day at the gym is actually showing up. Well, I guess my biceps are still waiting for their invitation.”

“The only thing more intimidating than arm day at the gym is a toddler shouting, ‘I do it myself!’ Arm day has humbled us all.”