“Congratulations on 25 years of wedded bliss! Just remember, the key to a successful marriage is a sense of humor… and separate TV remotes.”

“It’s been 25 years and you two are still going strong… I guess love truly is blind!”

“Happy 25th anniversary to the couple who still makes each other laugh till they cry… or maybe that’s just old age!”

“Here’s to 25 years of love, laughter, and lots of compromise… and by compromise, I mean giving in to whatever your spouse wants!”

“A great marriage is not just about being in love, it’s also about tolerating each other’s quirks for 25 long years. Cheers to you both!”

“Congratulations on 25 years of putting up with each other… I mean, loving each other unconditionally!”

“Two amazing souls, one incredible journey, and 25 years of hearing each other snore. Happy anniversary!”

“Love is blind, but marriage is an eye-opener. Cheers to 25 years of seeing each other’s true colors!”

“25 years of marriage? It’s like reaching a silver milestone… just remember, silver tarnishes, so keep polishing your love!”

“Happy 25th anniversary! They say laughter is the best medicine, so you must have a very healthy marriage!”

“It’s been a quarter of a century, and you two are still going strong… it’s like you’re both addicted to each other’s quirks!”

“Cheers to 25 years of loving and laughing together! Just don’t forget to laugh at each other’s bad jokes too.”

“Congratulations on 25 years of wedded bliss! That’s like an eternity in Hollywood years!” FUNNY QUOTES ABOUT HATERS

“25 years of being married means you’ve successfully graduated from newlyweds to oldly-weds! Congrats!”

“Happy 25th anniversary! May your love be as strong and unstoppable as your locked bathroom door!”

“It’s been 25 years, and you two are still the perfect match… like a pillow and a sleeping bag, you just can’t be separated!”

“Being married for 25 years means you’ve spent countless hours arguing… but hey, at least you’ve mastered the art of making up too!

“Here’s to 25 years of accidental matching outfits, shared food preferences, and finishing each other’s sentences. You’re basically the same person now!”

“Happy anniversary to the couple who still laughs at each other’s silly jokes, even when no one else does!”

“Cheers to 25 years of marriage! You two must have a lot of funny anecdotes to share… or at least some embarrassing moments you can laugh about now!”

“25 years of love, laughter, and side-eyeing each other’s fashion choices. Here’s to many more years of hilarious fashion trends together!”

“Happy 25th anniversary! May your love shine brighter than the candles on your 25th celebratory cake… and may the cake be as delicious as your marriage!”

“Congrats on 25 years of wedded bliss! I can’t decide if you should be given an award for sticking it out this long or if a doctor should just examine your sanity!”

“Happy anniversary! 25 years of marriage is definitely something to celebrate… or at least use as leverage during any future arguments!”