“You deserve someone who makes you feel worthy, not someone who constantly puts you down.”

“A healthy relationship is built on trust, not manipulation and control.”

“Toxic love is addictive, while healthy love is liberating.”

“In a healthy relationship, both partners support each other’s dreams, not tear them down.”

“Healthy relationships require open communication, not constant arguments and misunderstandings.”

“Toxic love seeks to possess, while healthy love seeks to empower.”

“A healthy relationship allows you to grow as an individual, while a toxic one confines you to their expectations.”

“In a healthy relationship, both partners take responsibility for their actions instead of playing the blame game.”

“Healthy love is patient and understanding, while toxic love is impatient and demanding.”

“Toxic love consumes you, but healthy love nurtures you.”

“In a healthy relationship, both partners encourage each other’s personal growth, not hinder it.”

“Healthy love is built on mutual respect, while toxic love is based on power imbalances.”

“Toxic love thrives on jealousy, while healthy love fosters trust and security.”

“A healthy relationship is built on compromise, not one-sided sacrifices.” BAAP QUOTES IN ENGLISH

“Toxic love is full of drama, while healthy love is peaceful and harmonious.”

“In a healthy relationship, both partners prioritize each other’s well-being, not just their own.”

“Healthy love encourages independence, while toxic love creates codependency.”

“Toxic love thrives on control, while healthy love allows freedom.”

“A healthy relationship is a partnership, not a one-sided dictatorship.”

“In a healthy relationship, both partners communicate their needs and desires honestly, not play mind games.”

“Healthy love celebrates your successes, while toxic love diminishes them.”

“Toxic love feeds on insecurities, while healthy love boosts your self-esteem.”

“A healthy relationship values compromise, while toxic love demands compliance.”

“In a healthy relationship, both partners promote each other’s mental, emotional, and physical well-being.”

“Healthy love encourages open dialogue and healthy conflict resolution, while toxic love thrives on passive-aggressive behavior.”

“Toxic love exhausts you, while healthy love energizes you.”