“A true friend is like a mirror, reflecting the best in you.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

“A friend is the one who advises you sincerely and assists you selflessly.” – Imam Ali (RA)

“The true friend is the one who remains loyal even in times of adversity.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

“A good friend is like a rare gem, cherished and valued.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

“A true friend is the one who reminds you of Allah and encourages you to do good.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

“A real friend is the one who stands by your side when everyone else abandons you.” – Imam Ali (RA)

“A true friendship is built on trust, honesty, and mutual respect.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

“The best of friends are those who bring out the best in you.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

“A friend is someone who fills your heart with love and your mind with peace.” – Imam Ali (RA)

“A sincere friend is the one who prays for your success and happiness.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

“True friends never judge, they accept you for who you are.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

“A true friend is the one who guides you towards righteousness and prevents you from wrongdoing.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) BEEN THANKFUL QUOTES

“A real friend is the one who encourages your dreams and supports your ambitions.” – Imam Ali (RA)

“A loyal friend is the one who remains steadfast through the ups and downs of life.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

“A compassionate friend is the one who empathizes with your pain and supports you through difficult times.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

“True friends inspire you to be a better person and help you grow spiritually.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

“A true friend is the one who loves you for the sake of Allah.” – Imam Ali (RA)

“A real friend is the one who advises you sincerely and guides you towards the path of righteousness.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

“A true friendship is a gift from Allah, cherish it and strive to maintain it.” – Imam Ali (RA)

“A sincere friend is the one who forgives your mistakes and helps you become a better person.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

“A genuine friend is the one who is grateful for your friendship and expresses it sincerely.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

“A true friend is the one who prays for your well-being and success in this life and the hereafter.” – Imam Ali (RA)