“It hurts when a friend hurts you, because friends are supposed to lift you up, not bring you down.”

“A true friend would never intentionally hurt your feelings. If they do, maybe they weren’t really a friend to begin with.”

“Being hurt by a friend is often more painful than being hurt by a stranger, because you trusted them with your heart.”

“It’s disappointing when a friend hurts your feelings, but remember that it’s not your fault. You deserve better.”

“When a friend hurts you, it’s like a betrayal of the soul. Take time to heal, and surround yourself with people who truly appreciate you.”

“A real friend should understand the impact of their words and actions on your feelings. If they don’t, they don’t deserve your time or energy.”

“Sometimes, the people we thought were our friends turn out to be our biggest sources of pain. Cut toxic people out of your life and make room for real friends.”

“Don’t let the actions of one friend who hurt you define your worth. Remember that there are plenty of people who would never dream of hurting you.”

“Friendship should be built on mutual respect, understanding, and support. If a friend constantly hurts your feelings, it may be time to reassess the relationship.”

“When a friend hurts you, it’s okay to feel hurt and upset. Give yourself permission to grieve the loss of that friendship, and know that better friends are on the horizon.”

“Friends should never make you question your worth or make you feel small. Surround yourself with people who uplift you, not tear you down.”

“Your feelings are valid, and it’s not your responsibility to constantly brush off hurtful actions from a friend. Speak up and let them know how they’ve hurt you.”

“True friends don’t intentionally hurt each other. If someone consistently hurts your feelings, they may not be the friend you thought they were.”

“It’s painful to realize that a friend may not be as loyal or caring as you believed. Take some time to heal, and remember that true friends should never make you feel this way.” YOU ARE MY ONE AND ONLY LOVE QUOTES

“When a friend hurts your feelings, it’s essential to communicate with them and express how their actions affected you. Give them a chance to apologize and make amends, but also be prepared to move on if they don’t change their behavior.”

“You deserve friends who uplift you and bring joy to your life. If a friend consistently hurts your feelings, they aren’t worthy of your time and energy.”

“The pain of being hurt by a friend can sometimes be greater than any physical injury. Take care of yourself and distance yourself from toxic friendships.”

“It’s disappointing when a friend lets you down and hurts your feelings. However, use this experience as a lesson to be more cautious in choosing the people you surround yourself with.”

“No one has the right to continually hurt your feelings, not even a friend. Stand up for yourself and don’t tolerate hurtful behavior from anyone.”

“Friendship should be a source of happiness and support, not pain and turmoil. If a friend consistently hurts your feelings, it may be time to part ways.”

“Sometimes, the toughest lessons come from the people we least expect. Use the pain from a friend’s hurtful actions as a catalyst for personal growth and surround yourself with better friends.”

“Don’t allow a friend’s hurtful actions to define your worth or tarnish your self-esteem. Remember that their behavior is a reflection of them, not of your value as a person.”

“It’s okay to feel hurt, angry, or betrayed when a friend hurts your feelings. Give yourself permission to process these emotions and choose to surround yourself with friends who genuinely care for you.”

“Nobody deserves to have their feelings constantly trampled upon by a friend. Set boundaries, communicate your needs, and move on from toxic friendships.”

“Being hurt by a friend isn’t a reflection of your worth, but rather their inability to appreciate and respect you. It’s their loss, not yours.”

“Your feelings are valid, and it’s essential to prioritize your emotional well-being. Surround yourself with friends who create a safe and uplifting environment for you.”

“Remember that you deserve friends who value and cherish you. Don’t settle for less than you deserve, and don’t let anyone’s hurtful actions define your self-worth.”