“I don’t want to be king. I want to be free.”

“I see life as one long roll. And our job is to add new pips to the board.”

“I don’t believe in destiny. I believe in having choices.”

“The gods love to laugh – let’s not disappoint them.”

“The gods are machines. Beneath our skin, they are controlling us.”

“We are all equal in the eyes of the gods. None of us are free.”

“Sometimes the gods need to be reminded of their own creation.”

“I am the wind that will spread your ashes to the corners of the earth.”

“Never underestimate the power of chaos.”

“My fate is to fight beside the true gods, not against them.”

“The gods may be cruel, but they are never boring.”

“The gods play with us like pawns on a chessboard. It is up to us to outwit them.” MOTHER DAUGHTER PHOTO QUOTES

“The gods are fickle, but my loyalty lies with the unbreakable bond of friendship.”

“We must embrace the chaos within us in order to find our true purpose.”

“The gods may be silent, but their whispers are heard by those who listen.”

“Our deeds define us. Our choices reveal our true character.”

“Fear is the enemy of progress. Embrace the unknown and conquer your fears.”

“Do not seek validation from others. Be true to yourself and let your actions speak for you.”

“It takes true strength to stand alone, but even greater strength to stand with others.”

“The greatest battles are fought within ourselves. Conquer your inner demons and you will find peace.”

“Life is a series of battles. The key is to learn from each defeat and rise stronger than before.”

“In the face of adversity, remember that even the smallest spark can ignite a mighty flame.”