“One year down, forever to go. Let the adventures continue!”

“Cheers to surviving the first year of marriage without any major injuries!”

“They say the first year is the hardest, and we made it through. We must be superheroes!”

“Happy anniversary to the only person I can tolerate 24/”

“In just one year, I’ve learned that marriage is basically a never-ending episode of ‘Survivor’.”

“Congrats on surviving a whole year of my snoring!”

“If we can survive planning a wedding together, we can survive anything!”

“They say the first year is like a honeymoon, but nobody warned me it would be one with a lot of loud arguments!”

“Let’s celebrate one year of wedded bliss… and the countless times we’ve said ‘Sorry, I was wrong!'”

“Happy anniversary to the person who still finds my corny jokes funny after all this time.”

“One year of marriage means 365 days of choosing the ‘I love you’ response instead of ‘I told you so’.”

“Marriage is like a deck of cards. In the beginning, all you need is two hearts and a diamond. But after a year, you’ll wish you had a club and a spade.”

“Happy anniversary to my partner in crime, the one who always helps me hide my snacks from the world!”

“To our first year as a married couple: May we continue to laugh at ourselves and each other.” POSITIVE ATTITUDE QUOTES ONE LINE

“Happy anniversary to my favorite person to annoy for the rest of our lives!”

“Life with you is like an endless comedy show. Thanks for the laughs!”

“Cheers to surviving a year of marriage without a serious injury…yet!”

“Happy anniversary! Here’s to many more years of tolerating each other’s weird habits.”

“Marriage is all about finding someone perfectly imperfect to annoy for the rest of your life. I’m glad I found you!”

“One year of marriage: A lot of ‘I’m sorry’ after ‘I told you so’ and a few ‘I love you’ in between.”

“They say the first year is the hardest. So far, I’d rate it a solid 7 out of 10 on the difficulty scale!”

“Happy anniversary to the person who still hasn’t discovered my secret shoe collection.”

“In one year, we’ve gone from ‘I do’ to ‘I will always love you, even when you’re annoying’.”

“Here’s to surviving a year of singleness and finally finding someone who puts up with my nonsense!”

“To our first year of marriage: You’re the reason our Netflix cue is filled with cooking shows and true crime documentaries.”

“Happy anniversary to the person who never fails to make me laugh, even when I’m mad!”

“We made it through one year together, and we still haven’t killed each other. I’d say that’s a win!”