“It hurts to see someone you love in pain.”

“The sadness you feel for someone else’s struggles is a mark of your compassion.”

“I wish I could take away your pain and replace it with happiness.”

“Sometimes, it’s hard to explain the sadness you feel when someone you care about is hurting.”

“Sadness is contagious, and I can feel your pain echoing in my heart.”

“My heart aches for you, wishing I could ease your sadness.”

“You are not alone in your sadness; I am here for you.”

“In those moments of sadness, know that I am holding space for you.”

“Sometimes, all you need is someone who can feel your sadness with you.”

“It’s heartbreaking to witness your sadness, but I will be here to support you.”

“I will sit with you in your sadness, offering my presence and understanding.”

“When you feel sad, remember that there are people who care about you deeply.”

“I can see the sorrow in your eyes, and I want you to know that I care.” SELF 25 BDAY QUOTES

“Your sadness tugs at my heartstrings, making me want to comfort you.”

“During these tough times, remember that you are loved and supported.”

“Your sadness is temporary; hold on to hope for brighter days ahead.”

“I wish I had the power to bring joy back into your life.”

“You are stronger than you think, and you will overcome this sadness.”

“Hold on to the belief that the clouds will part, and happiness will find its way back to you.”

“I wish I had the words to lessen your pain, but please know that I am here for you.”

“Your sadness is valid, and I want you to know that your feelings matter.”

“It’s okay not to be okay. Take your time to process your emotions.”

“Just remember that even amidst sadness, you are capable of finding moments of happiness.”

“Though I can’t take away your pain, I will always be here to lend an ear and a shoulder.”

“Your sadness may be overwhelming right now, but remember that brighter days lie ahead.”