“Sometimes, it’s better to be alone because no one can hurt you.” – Unknown

“It is better to be alone than in bad company.” – George Washington

“I’m an outsider by choice, but not truly. It’s the unpleasantness of the system that keeps me out. I’d rather be in, in a good system.” – Marilyn Monroe

“Being an outcast is the price of leadership.” – Madonna

“I think all great innovations are built on rejections.” – Louis Ferdinand Celine

“The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself.” – Michel de Montaigne

“It feels good to be an outcast. I don’t belong to any clan. I’m an individual.” – Ezra Miller

“Sometimes, the people who don’t fit in, are the ones who help define what it means to be a society.” – Jodi Picoult

“Embrace your differences. The world’s oldest desert became the coolest desert because it decided to embrace its uniqueness.” – Matshona Dhliwayo

“An outcast is simply a child who loves the rain, while others complain about getting wet.” – M. Akam Poetry

“It’s lonely to be an outcast and it’s equally lonely to be a leader.” – Jeanne Moreau

“Embrace your strange, for it is your uniqueness that makes you a beautiful soul.” – K.Y. Uttinger

“I’m a wildflower, always flourishing in my own way, even if I’m not the same as the others.” – Unknown

“I am an outsider. I always have been and I still am.” – Kurt Cobain

“The greatest strength in being an outsider is also the greatest weakness. You can see things others miss, but no one listens to you.” – Sarah J. Maas PLATO QUOTE ABOUT MUSIC

“Don’t try to fit in, try to stand out, because you are born unique.” – Moosa Rahat

“Sometimes, you have to be your own hero, because not all heroes are recognized by the world.” – Unknown

“I think it’s good to not have belonged to any clubs, to not be grouped. I always feel a bit on the fringe, like I don’t belong anywhere.” – Cate Blanchett

“The beautiful thing about being an outcast is that you can choose not to conform to the herd.” – Unknown

“Outsiders often make the best observers.” – Doris Lessing

“The world is full of outcasts, but only a few have the courage to embrace their uniqueness.” – Unknown

“When you’re an outcast, even the smallest glimmers of acceptance feel like rays of sunshine on a dark day.” – Unknown

“Rejecting conformity is the first step towards authentic self-discovery.” – Unknown

“The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” – Steve Jobs

“Outsiders are the ones who challenge the status quo and spark the flames of change.” – Unknown

“You were never meant to fit in. You were born to stand out.” – Unknown

“The outcast, rejected by society, often discovers creative genius within themselves.” – Unknown

“Embrace your outcast status, for it is a gift that allows you to see the world from a unique perspective.” – Unknown