“Fear is the chains that hold us back from our true potential.” – Unknown

“Fear is only as deep as the mind allows.” – Japanese Proverb

“Don’t let fear imprison you; break free and chase your dreams.” – Unknown

“Fear cripples, but courage liberates.” – Unknown

“Fear can hold you captive, but bravery can set you free.” – Unknown

“The only thing to fear is fear itself.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

“Fear is the enemy of progress.” – Unknown

“Fear is the thief of opportunity.” – Unknown

“Fear constrains while courage expands.” – Unknown

“Don’t let fear confine you, let it inspire you to conquer.” – Unknown

“Fear is a prison; break free and live fully.” – Unknown GOING THRU HELL QUOTES

“Fear restricts, but courage liberates.” – Unknown

“Fear is a cage, and only courage can set you free.” – Unknown

“Fear is a darkness that hinders growth; step into the light of courage.” – Unknown

“Fear is a weight that can crush dreams; let go and soar.” – Unknown

“Fear binds, but faith releases.” – Unknown

“Fear is the lock, and courage is the key that sets us free.” – Unknown

“Fear limits, but bravery knows no bounds.” – Unknown

“Fear keeps you in your comfort zone, but stepping out is where growth happens.” – Unknown

“Fear is an illusion that can fade once faced.” – Unknown

“Fear is the prison that only bravery can break.” – Unknown