“Mental health is not a destination, but a process. It’s about how you drive, not where you’re going.” – Noam Shpancer

“It’s okay to not be okay. It’s not okay to stay that way.” – Unknown

“Mental health is not a luxury; it’s a necessity.” – Anonymous

“You don’t have to be positive all the time. It’s perfectly okay to feel sad, angry, annoyed, frustrated, scared, or anxious. Having feelings doesn’t make you a negative person. It makes you human.” – Lori Deschene

“Your mental health is a priority. Your happiness is an essential. Your self-care is a necessity.” – Unknown

“Don’t believe everything you think.” – Unknown

“Mental pain is less dramatic than physical pain, but it is more common and also more hard to bear.” – C.S. Lewis

“Your illness does not define you. Your strength and courage does.” – Unknown

“Mental health is just as important as physical health.” – Unknown

“Healing takes time, and asking for help is a courageous step.” – Mariska Hargitay

“Mental health needs a great deal of attention. It’s the final taboo and it needs to be faced and dealt with.” – Adam Ant

“You are not alone. There are people out there who want to help you, better days are coming.” – Anonymous BE STRONG MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES

“Sometimes the people around you won’t understand your journey. They don’t need to. It’s not for them.” – Joubert Botha

“Recovery is not one and done. It is a lifelong journey that takes place one day, one step at a time.” – Unknown

“You don’t have to be ashamed of your story. It will inspire others.” – Unknown

“Your mental health is more important than the test, the interview, the meeting, the family dinner, and the grocery run.” – Unknown

“The largest part of what we call ‘personality’ is determined by how we’ve opted to defend ourselves against anxiety and sadness.” – Alain de Botton

“You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this and you will find strength.” – Marcus Aurelius

“You don’t have to be perfect to be mentally healthy. And being mentally healthy doesn’t mean you have to be happy all the time.” – Unknown

“Mental health is not a joke. It’s not something you should ignore or belittle.” – Demi Lovato

“Taking time for yourself is not selfish. It’s necessary for your mental health and wellbeing.” – Unknown

“Don’t forget to love yourself.” – Soren Kierkegaard

“Your feelings are valid, even if others try to minimize them. You deserve to be heard and to heal.” – Anonymous