“Sovereignty is not given, it is taken.” – Kemal Ataturk

“The sovereign is he who decides on the exception.” – Carl Schmitt

“Sovereignty – the power to exercise unlimited control over the lives of others – is the essence of the totalitarian state.” – Robert Higgs

“Wherever there is sufficient power to enforce a sovereign will, there is sovereign authority.” – John Locke

“Sovereignty must cease in the absence of the means to defend it.” – Isaac Barrow

“A state without the means of some change is without the means of its conservation.” – Edmund Burke

“There is no greater injustice than a government that deprives its people of their sovereignty.” – Ibrahim Babangida

“Sovereignty is not a gift of the heavens, it is of human making.” – Henry Kissinger

“Sovereignty is the ultimate expression of a nation’s identity.” – Queen Elizabeth II

“Sovereignty is not about power, it’s about identity.” – Martha Nussbaum

“A nation that cannot control its borders is not truly sovereign.” – Ronald Reagan

“Sovereignty means being able to make your own decisions without interference.” – Nicola Sturgeon

“Sovereignty is not negotiable. It is the essence of our existence as a nation.” – Recep Tayyip Erdogan

“Sovereignty is the highest and most sacred principle of any nation.” – Vladimir Putin ROCKY POSITIVE QUOTES

“No nation can grow or prosper without preserving its sovereignty.” – Narendra Modi

“Sovereignty is the shield against external threats and internal strife.” – Benazir Bhutto

“Sovereignty is not just a matter of geography, it’s a matter of the heart.” – Reza Shah Pahlavi

“The concept of sovereignty is the foundation of all political theories.” – Charles de Montesquieu

“Sovereignty is the glue that holds a nation together.” – David Cameron

“Sovereignty is the birthright of every nation and every citizen.” – Nelson Mandela

“Sovereignty means being accountable to your own people, not to outside powers.” – Evo Morales

“Sovereignty is the power to shape your own destiny.” – Lee Kuan Yew

“True sovereignty is the ability to govern yourself according to your own values and beliefs.” – Aung San Suu Kyi

“Sovereignty is not a license to oppress, but a responsibility to protect.” – Nelson Mandela

“Sovereignty is the voice of a nation speaking for itself.” – Winston Churchill

“Sovereignty is not an abstract concept, but a living reality that shapes the destiny of a nation.” – Jawaharlal Nehru