“Falling in love is like falling in a hole. It happens unexpectedly and you can’t help but let yourself go.” – Unknown

“I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.” – John Green

“You don’t fall in love; you rise in it.” – Unknown

“Falling in love is easy, staying in love requires effort.” – Unknown

“Falling in love is the easy part, staying in love is the hard part.” – Unknown

“Falling in love is like jumping off a cliff, your brain tells you it’s not a good idea, but your heart tells you to take the leap.” – Unknown

“Love is not about how much you say ‘I love you,’ but how much you can prove that it’s true.” – Unknown

“Falling in love is not a choice, but staying in love is.” – Unknown

“Love is not something you fall into, it’s something you rise to.” – Unknown

“Falling in love is easy, but staying in love requires work.” – Unknown

“When you fall in love, it’s like a brand new start. You see the world differently, everything becomes brighter.” – Unknown

“Falling in love is like flying, it’s exhilarating and terrifying all at once.” – Unknown

“You fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time.” – Unknown

“Falling in love is like discovering a whole new world within yourself.” – Unknown

“When you fall in love, everything becomes clearer and more beautiful.” – Unknown

“Falling in love is like finding a piece of yourself that you never knew was missing.” – Unknown 5 YEARS WORKING IN SAME COMPANY QUOTES

“Falling in love is like floating on a cloud, weightless and full of happiness.” – Unknown

“You fall in love with the person who can make you feel things you never knew existed.” – Unknown

“Falling in love is like a roller coaster ride, full of ups and downs, but ultimately worth it.” – Unknown

“When you fall in love, you become a better version of yourself.” – Unknown

“Love is like a flower, it blossoms when you least expect it.” – Unknown

“You fall in love not with their words, but with the way they make you feel.” – Unknown

“Falling in love is like finding the missing piece to your puzzle.” – Unknown

“Love is not about finding the perfect person, but about seeing an imperfect person perfectly.” – Sam Keen

“Falling in love is like finding a home within a person.” – Unknown

“You don’t fall in love by choice, it’s by chance.” – Unknown

“Falling in love is like discovering a new part of yourself that you never knew existed.” – Unknown

“Falling in love is like taking a leap of faith, trusting that the net will appear.” – Unknown

“Love is not about finding someone you can live with, but finding someone you cannot live without.” – Unknown

“Falling in love is like seeing the world in technicolor for the first time.” – Unknown