“The only way to be awake at 4 am is if you are in love or you have a newborn baby.” – Paulo Coelho

“4 am knows all my secrets.” – Poppy Z. Brite

“There is something magical about 4 am, when the world is still asleep, and all your dreams seem within reach.” – Unknown

“There’s something about the stillness of 4 am that makes you feel like the world is your own.” – Unknown

“4 am is the hour of reinvention, when dreams become reality.” – Unknown

“4 am is the hour of reflection, when the night is quiet and the mind is loud.” – Unknown

“At 4 am, all your fears seem magnified, but so do your hopes.” – Unknown

“There is a certain peace that comes with being awake at 4 am, as if the world is your own while everyone else slumbers.” – Unknown

“4 am is the time when artists find their inspiration, when words come alive, and ideas flourish.” – Unknown

“There is something haunting about 4 am, as if the ghosts of yesterday dance with the dreams of tomorrow.” – Unknown

“At 4 am, the stars seem brighter, as if they are whispering secrets only to those awake to listen.” – Unknown

“4 am is the hour of solitude, where the soul finds solace amidst the chaos.” – Unknown

“4 am is a timeless hour, when past, present, and future collide in a magical dance.” – Unknown MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES FOR DEPRESSED FRIEND

“At 4 am, you can hear the whispers of your heart, the dreams you thought were forgotten.” – Unknown

“4 am is the hour of possibility, when the world is reborn with every breath you take.” – Unknown

“There is something ethereal about 4 am, as if you exist in a different dimension, in between reality and dreams.” – Unknown

“At 4 am, the world is your canvas, waiting for you to paint your dreams upon it.” – Unknown

“4 am is the hour of courage, when you gather strength to face the day ahead.” – Unknown

“There is a certain clarity that comes with being awake at 4 am, as if your mind can see through the fog of uncertainty.” – Unknown

“At 4 am, you realize that the monsters under your bed were never as scary as the ones lurking inside your mind.” – Unknown

“4 am is the hour of quiet determination, when you gather your thoughts and let your dreams guide you.” – Unknown

“There is something mystical about 4 am, as if the universe aligns to conspire in your favor.” – Unknown

“At 4 am, the sky holds secrets that unfold with each passing minute, reminding you of the endless possibilities.” – Unknown

“4 am is the time when even the darkest nights give way to the dawn of a new day.” – Unknown