“Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.” – Frederick Douglass

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss

“Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.” – Jim Rohn

“Reading brings us unknown friends.” – Honoré de Balzac

“Books are a uniquely portable magic.” – Stephen King

“A book is a dream that you hold in your hands.” – Neil Gaiman

“Reading is to the mind, what exercise is to the body.” – Joseph Addison

“Reading is a basic tool in the living of a good life.” – Mortimer J. Adler

“Books are the plane, and the train, and the road. They are the destination and the journey.” – Anna Quindlen

“The more you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Maya Angelou

“Reading is a discount ticket to everywhere.” – Mary Schmich

“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” – Richard Steele

“The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read them.” – Mark Twain FAMOUS MUSICAL THEATRE QUOTES

“The person who doesn’t read is no better off than the person who can’t read.” – Maya Angelou

“Books are a uniquely portable magic.” – Stephen King

“Reading is a passport to countless adventures.” – Oprah Winfrey

“Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.” – Charles William Eliot

“Reading is a conversation. All books talk. But a good book listens as well.” – Mark Haddon

“Reading is the key that opens doors to many good things in life. Reading shaped my dreams and more reading helped me make my dreams come true.” – Ruth Bader Ginsburg

“Books can be as dangerous as wild animals, but knowledge is the most democratic source of power.” – Toni Morrison

“The greatest gift is a passion for reading.” – Elizabeth Hardwick

“Reading is the sole means by which we slip, involuntarily, often helplessly, into another’s skin, another’s voice, another’s soul.” – Joyce Carol Oates

“A book is a device to ignite the imagination.” – Alan Bennett

“Reading is an exercise in empathy; an exercise in walking in someone else’s shoes for a while.” – Malorie Blackman

“If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book.” – J.K. Rowling