“The heart wants what it wants.” – Emily Dickinson

“Love is an untamed force. When we try to control it, it destroys us. When we try to imprison it, it enslaves us. When we try to understand it, it leaves us feeling lost and confused.” – Paulo Coelho

“The greatest tragedy of love is not the inability to have the person we want, but the inability to move on without them.” – Anonymous

“You can’t help who you fall in love with, even if they’ll never be yours.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, the person you want most is the person you’re best without.” – Unknown

“Unrequited love is the infinite curse of a lonely heart.” – Christina Westover

“To fall in love with someone you can never have is the most bittersweet feeling in the world.” – Anonymous

“It’s painful to love someone you can’t have, but it’s even more painful to let go knowing you weren’t even given a chance.” – Unknown

“Perhaps the saddest thing in the world is loving someone who used to love you.” – Unknown

“The thing about unrequited love is that it never truly goes away; it’s like a constant ache in your heart, reminding you of what could have been.” – Unknown

“Some people are meant to fall in love with each other, but not meant to be together.” – Unknown

“You can’t force someone to love you; you can only offer them love and hope that they want it.” – Unknown

“Falling in love with someone you can’t have is like dreaming with your eyes open.” – Unknown

“Loving someone you can’t have is like trying to catch a star – you know you’ll never reach it, but you just can’t stop trying.” – Unknown

“The heart has its reasons, which reason does not know.” – Blaise Pascal WILL YOU BE MY BEST FRIEND QUOTES

“Sometimes, the only way to let go is to love someone enough to want their happiness more than your own.” – Anonymous

“You don’t just stop loving someone because they can’t be yours. Love doesn’t work that way.” – R.M. Drake

“Sometimes, the person we fall for is meant to teach us an important lesson or be a stepping stone on our journey to finding the one who’s truly meant for us.” – Unknown

“It breaks your heart to see the one you love so close, yet so far from being yours.” – Unknown

“The hardest part about loving someone you can’t have is watching them fall for someone else.” – Unknown

“It’s better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.” – Alfred Lord Tennyson

“Love is a journey with no guarantees, and sometimes, the person you can’t have brings more meaning and growth into your life than anyone else ever could.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, the right person at the wrong time is the most painful thing to accept.” – Unknown

“Love is not about possession, but about appreciation.” – Osho

“Falling in love with someone you can’t have may be painful, but it’s a beautiful reminder that you’re capable of feeling deeply.” – Unknown

“There are no rules when it comes to love; you may not have someone, but they’ll always have a special place in your heart.” – Unknown

“Love is not about finding the perfect person, but about finding the person who makes your life perfect, even if they can’t be in it.” – Unknown

“The beauty of unrequited love is that it allows you to experience the depths of your emotions and grow as a person.” – Unknown