“Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That’s relativity.”

“The faster you go, the shorter you become. It’s not just a relativity thing, but also a good excuse for skipping leg day at the gym.”

“If you want to understand relativity, picture yourself on a date that’s going really well. Time flies when you’re having fun!”

“Einstein’s theory of relativity: If you sit on a hot stove, a second seems like an eternity. If you sit with a pretty girl, an eternity seems like a second. It’s all about perspective!”

“The only thing that’s relative about relativity is my confusion every time I try to understand it!”

“Relativity is like when you tell a really bad joke and time seems to slow down as you wait for someone to laugh.”

“The theory of relativity: Time goes faster when you’re running late and slower when you’re on vacation.”

“Einstein’s theory of relativity: The bigger the pizza, the more time it takes to eat it. Time dilation at its finest!”

“Relativity is the reason why some people take forever to finish a task while others finish it in the blink of an eye. It’s all about one’s perception of time!”

“If you’re running late, just remember Einstein’s theory of relativity: Time can move faster or slower depending on how stressed you are!”

“The theory of relativity: The older you get, the faster time seems to fly. I guess that’s why we all feel like we just celebrated New Year’s Eve yesterday!”

“You don’t need to understand the theory of relativity to know that waiting for a weekend feels longer than a whole month!” SAD DEATH QUOTES IN PUNJABI

“Einstein’s theory of relativity: The time it takes to wait for a text back from your crush is directly proportional to how much you like them.”

“We all experience the relativity of time when waiting for food to be served at a restaurant. Minutes become hours and hunger becomes a scientific experiment.”

“Relativity can be proven just by observing how slowly time passes in a boring class compared to how quickly it flies during recess.”

“Einstein’s theory of relativity: The more you love someone, the faster time seems to run when you are apart from them.”

“Time is truly relative when you’re having a great time, and hours feel like minutes. Just like waiting for your favorite TV show to start!”

“The theory of relativity in action: A minute spent listening to a dull lecture feels like an hour, but an hour spent with friends feels like a minute.”

“Einstein was a genius, but even he couldn’t explain why Monday mornings seem to last forever!”

“The relativity of time becomes exceptionally clear when you’re on vacation – days go by like seconds, and you’ll never have enough time to do everything!”

“Einstein’s theory of relativity: The more you procrastinate, the slower time seems to pass until you realize you’re out of time!”

“Relativity is like trying to explain to someone why time flies when you’re having fun, but drags on when you’re bored. It’s the mystery of the universe!”