“You can mess with my mind, but don’t mess with my heart.”

“I wear my heart on my sleeve, so don’t play games with my emotions.”

“You can break my trust, but don’t break my heart.”

“My feelings may be fragile, but my strength to protect them is unyielding.”

“When it comes to my emotions, tread carefully, for they are the essence of my being.”

“Mess with my mind all you want, but don’t underestimate the power of my heart.”

“Playing with someone’s emotions is like playing with fire – you never know when you’ll get burned.”

“I refuse to let anyone toy with my emotions, for they are too precious to be treated as a game.”

“Don’t think you can manipulate my feelings, for I am stronger than you think.”

“My emotions are not a plaything, so don’t treat them as such.”

“You can try to hurt me, but my feelings are resilient – they won’t be easily destroyed.”

“My heart may be vulnerable, but it’s protected by walls of self-love and resilience.”

“Mess with my feelings, and you’ll find out just how strong I can be.”

“I won’t let anyone control my emotions, for they are mine to own and cherish.” CRAZY LOVE QUOTES FOR HER

“My feelings are mine alone – don’t think you have the right to manipulate them.”

“Once you break my trust, you’ll find it hard to ever gain it back.”

“You can try to play with my emotions, but I won’t allow you to pull the strings.”

“Don’t underestimate the power of my emotions – they can make or break you.”

“Hurt my feelings, and you’ll realize the pain you’ve inflicted upon yourself.”

“Don’t toy with my emotions unless you’re prepared for the consequences.”

“My heart may be sensitive, but it’s also incredibly resilient.”

“I have learned to protect my heart, but I won’t be afraid to show my emotions.”

“Don’t mess with my feelings – I won’t stand for it.”

“Playing with my emotions is a dangerous game – one that you shouldn’t play.”

“You may think you have control over my emotions, but I hold the key to my own happiness.”

“My feelings are not an amusement park – they are a sacred part of who I am.”