“Never force someone to make time for you. If they truly value you, they will always find a way.”

“Your worth should never be measured by how much someone prioritizes you. Learn to value yourself.”

“Don’t beg someone to stay in your life. If they want to be there, they will make the effort.”

“Sometimes, the best thing you can do is let someone go. If they come back, it was meant to be.”

“Quality time should be given freely, not forced. You deserve someone who willingly wants to spend time with you.”

“If someone truly wants you in their life, they will carve out time for you, no matter how busy they are.”

“Never settle for being someone’s last choice. You deserve to be a priority in someone’s life.”

“You deserve to be someone’s favorite person, not the one they squeeze in when it’s convenient.”

“Don’t chase someone who doesn’t have time for you. The right person will make time.”

“If someone wants to be a part of your life, they will find a way, not an excuse.”

“It’s better to be alone than being with someone who only makes time for you when it suits them.”

“Remember that your happiness is not dependent on someone else’s availability. Be content with yourself.”

“Don’t waste your time on someone who takes you for granted. It’s better to be alone than in bad company.”

“Respect your time and energy. If someone can’t make time for you, they don’t deserve your presence.” HAPPY 5TH ANNIVERSARY QUOTES

“Never compromise your self-worth for someone who doesn’t value your time.”

“Life is too short to wait for someone to make time for you. Find someone who makes you a priority.”

“Don’t be an option for someone who sees you as a priority. You deserve better.”

“If someone can’t make time for you, it’s time to make time for yourself and move on.”

“Your time is valuable. Don’t settle for anyone who can’t make time for you.”

“You should never have to force someone to make time for you. It should come naturally.”

“Stop making excuses for someone who can’t prioritize you. Focus on yourself and your own happiness.”

“True love doesn’t require begging for attention. It gives freely, effortlessly.”

“Don’t give your time and energy to someone who doesn’t appreciate it. You deserve better.”

“A relationship should be a balance of effort, not one-sided sacrifices.”

“You deserve someone who can’t wait to spend every moment with you, not someone who makes excuses.”

“Life is too short to wait for someone who can’t make time for you. Choose someone who values your presence.”