“Don’t hurt someone’s heart, because it’s a place where love resides.”

“The pain you inflict upon others will always come back to haunt you.”

“Words have the power to either heal or hurt, choose them wisely.”

“A broken heart is a fragile soul that needs tender care.”

“Never underestimate the impact of your actions on someone’s emotional well-being.”

“The scars of a wounded heart may fade, but the pain lingers on.”

“An apology cannot undo the pain caused, but it can mend a broken heart.”

“Be kind, for you never know the battles others are fighting within themselves.”

“The heart knows how to heal, but it also remembers the pain.”

“It takes seconds to hurt someone, but it can take a lifetime to heal the wounds.”

“Hurting someone may give you temporary satisfaction, but it will leave a lasting regret.”

“Choose love over hurting, for it is the only way to find true happiness.”

“Words spoken in anger can cause wounds deeper than any physical harm.” CHEATED PERSON QUOTES

“A heart that has been repeatedly hurt will eventually build walls that are hard to break down.”

“Remember, actions have consequences, and hurting someone can lead to irreversible damage.”

“Do not be the reason someone loses faith in love and trust.”

“The biggest regret is often the pain we caused to someone who truly cared.”

“Cherish the ones who love you, for they are the ones who willingly risk their hearts for you.”

“True strength lies in protecting others, not in causing them pain.”

“Escaping your own pain by inflicting it on others only leads to a cycle of hurt.”

“Severing ties with someone may be necessary, but it should never be an excuse to hurt them.”

“The pain you cause may not always be remembered, but the hurtful memories will linger.”

“Tread lightly, for the wounds caused by words can last a lifetime.”

“Before you hurt someone, remember that pain is easily inflicted but hard to forget.”

“In a world where you can choose to be anything, choose to be kind and never dilute anyone’s heart.”