“Love is blind, they say, but I think sometimes it’s just plain delusional.”

“We were living in a fantasy, pretending our relationship was perfect when it was falling apart.”

“I convinced myself that we had a future together, even when all signs pointed to the contrary.”

“In my delusion, I thought our love could conquer all obstacles, but reality proved otherwise.”

“I created a fairy tale in my mind, ignoring the red flags that were right in front of me.”

“We were living in a bubble of lies, pretending everything was fine when it was far from it.”

“I was so invested in the idea of love that I refused to see the truth about our toxic relationship.”

“My delusional belief that things would magically get better kept me trapped in a cycle of misery.”

“I mistook possessiveness for passion, our toxic relationship for love.”

“It’s scary how easily we can fool ourselves into believing in something that doesn’t really exist.”

“I had to wake up from the delusion that our relationship was healthy – it was anything but.”

“I convinced myself that our love was special, but in reality, it was just an illusion.”

“In my delusional state, I thought I could change them, fix our broken relationship – but I was wrong.” I MISS YOU AND LOVE YOU SO MUCH QUOTES

“I became so deluded by false promises and empty apologies that I forgot who I truly was.”

“Our relationship was built on a foundation of lies, and I was the fool who believed it all.”

“I was so desperate for love that I blinded myself to the fact that our relationship was toxic.”

“I woke up one day, realizing the delusion I had been living in – our relationship was a nightmare.”

“In my deluded mind, I believed their words over their actions, refusing to see the truth.”

“They made me believe I was the problem, manipulating my perception of reality.”

“I clung onto the delusion that they would change, that our relationship would magically improve.”

“Love shouldn’t make you blind; it should open your eyes to the reality of your relationship.”

“I was living in a world of make-believe, hoping that our relationship would become what I imagined.”

“I ignored the warning signs, choosing to live in a delusional state of denial.”

“It’s heartbreaking how our delusional love story turned out to be a tragic mistake.”