“Dear future husband, I hope you’re ready to be my personal dishwasher, because I hate doing dishes!”

“Dear future husband, just a reminder that I am always right, even when I’m wrong.”

“Dear future husband, be warned, I have a slight obsession with online shopping. Can you handle it?”

“Dear future husband, I’m sorry in advance for all the times I will leave empty milk cartons in the fridge. It’s a bad habit I’m trying to break.”

“Dear future husband, let’s set a rule that pizza and Netflix nights are mandatory at least once a week. Deal?”

“Dear future husband, I apologize for the uncontrollable laughter that usually follows my attempts at cooking. It’s all part of the experience.”

“Dear future husband, I promise to always let you win an argument… unless I really don’t agree with you.”

“Dear future husband, please be prepared for random dance parties in the living room. I won’t take ‘no’ for an answer.”

“Dear future husband, just a heads up that my version of camping involves a luxury cabin with electricity and Wi-Fi.”

“Dear future husband, let’s agree that ‘5 more minutes’ actually means 30 minutes when it comes to getting ready.”

“Dear future husband, I hope you’re not afraid of commitment because I’ve already planned our dream wedding… on Pinterest.”

“Dear future husband, I hope you’re ready for endless dad jokes, because I’ve been practicing since I was a teenager.”

“Dear future husband, please understand that my love for chocolate is non-negotiable. There will always be a stash in the pantry.” GOING THROUGH BREAKUP QUOTES

“Dear future husband, I promise to never let you go to bed angry, but I can’t guarantee I won’t hide your side of the blanket if you do.”

“Dear future husband, let’s make a pact to always laugh at each other’s corny jokes, even if they’re not funny.”

“Dear future husband, be prepared for my inability to remember important dates, but I’ll make up for it with love and affection every day.”

“Dear future husband, I hope you like surprises because I might randomly show up in a unicorn onesie just to make you smile.”

“Dear future husband, just a friendly reminder that ‘honey-do’ lists aren’t optional, they’re mandatory for a happy marriage.”

“Dear future husband, let’s agree that it’s okay to have separate Netflix accounts, because our tastes in shows might not always align.”

“Dear future husband, be warned, I have a tendency to break into song and dance at any given moment. I hope you’re ready for spontaneous musical numbers.”

“Dear future husband, sorry in advance for all the times I will accidentally eat your leftovers. I can’t resist good food.”

“Dear future husband, I hope you’re okay with my extensive shoe collection. It’s not excessive, it’s just a well-rounded wardrobe.”

“Dear future husband, let’s promise to never go to bed angry, but also acknowledge that sometimes a good night’s sleep can solve a lot of problems.”

“Dear future husband, get ready for karaoke nights at home, where we can showcase our incredible (or terrible) singing skills in the comfort of our living room.”