“I’m not dead, I’m just taking a siesta on the other side!”

“I brought my own dancing skeletons, now let’s party!”

“Remember, we’re just dead tired, not actually dead!”

“Who needs brains when you’ve got lots of laughs?”

“Death doesn’t scare me, but paying taxes does!”

“I tried to bring my favorite snacks to the afterlife, but they were all expired!”

“Death by laughter is the best way to go!”

“I told Death a joke, and he laughed so hard he let me live another day!”

“In the land of the dead, we don’t have Monday mornings!”

“I may be decomposing, but my sense of humor is still intact!”

“Afterlife pro tip: Always bring a lighter to light up the darkness!”

“Don’t worry, we won’t bite… well, not hard!” LESBIAN FEELINGS QUOTES

“I’ve got a bone to pick with you… just kidding, it’s just a skeleton thing!”

“Who needs beauty sleep when you can sleep forever?”

“I can finally say I’m a die-hard fan!”

“When life gives you skulls, make sugar skull margaritas!”

“We don’t need a gym membership, walking around as skeletons keeps us fit!”

“Being dead never felt so alive!”

“I’ve got a date with Death, but I hope he’s a good dancer!”

“Life is short, death is shorter, but laughter lasts forever!”

“Who needs hair when you’ve got soul?”

“If life gives you lemons, ask Death for a shot of tequila!”