“I spent most of my life trying to please a mother who was never satisfied.”

“Growing up, my worth was constantly questioned by my narcissistic mother.”

“It’s exhausting to constantly walk on eggshells around a narcissistic mother.”

“I learned early on that I had to hide my true self to survive my narcissistic mother.”

“My mother always made everything about herself, even my accomplishments.”

“There was never room for my feelings or emotions in my relationship with my narcissistic mother.”

“I grew up feeling like I was never good enough for my narcissistic mother.”

“Trying to get any kind of attention or affection from my narcissistic mother was a never-ending battle.”

“My mother’s love was conditional and based on how well I met her expectations.”

“It took me years to realize that my mother’s behavior wasn’t normal; it was narcissistic.”

“I had to constantly prove my worth to my narcissistic mother, and even then, it was never enough.”

“My mother’s constant need for admiration made it impossible for me to have my own identity.”

“A narcissistic mother never hesitates to tear you down in order to make herself feel superior.”

“I had to constantly seek validation from external sources because I could never find it in my mother.”

“My mother’s manipulation and guilt-tripping were constant tactics she used to control me.”

“Growing up with a narcissistic mother made me constantly doubt my own reality.” NURSE QUOTES OF THE DAY

“Having a narcissistic mother made it difficult for me to form healthy relationships.”

“It’s heartbreaking when you realize that your own mother will never truly support or love you.”

“My mother’s criticism became my inner voice, and it took years to silence it.”

“I had to distance myself from my narcissistic mother to protect my own mental health.”

“I felt like I was always competing with my siblings for my narcissistic mother’s love and attention.”

“The emotional abuse from my narcissistic mother left deep scars that still affect me today.”

“My mother’s constant need to be the center of attention made it hard for me to have my own voice.”

“Growing up with a narcissistic mother meant I never had a safe space to express my true feelings.”

“I had to learn to survive on my own because my narcissistic mother was incapable of providing support.”

“Even now, as an adult, my narcissistic mother tries to control every aspect of my life.”

“My mother turned every milestone or celebration into an opportunity to make it about herself.”

“I spent years trying to please my narcissistic mother, only to realize she would never be satisfied.”

“Having a narcissistic mother means that my achievements are always met with an air of dismissiveness.”

“I’m learning to heal from the wounds inflicted by my narcissistic mother and reclaim my own identity.”