“The Bible is the book of faith and the book of doctrine.”

“I shall read and study the Bible as long as I live, and I shall confine my studies to the Bible exclusively.”

“The Bible is the truest and surest guide to all that is good and right.”

“It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor.”

“I believe the Bible to be the written and revealed Word of God.”

“Hold fast to the Bible as the sheet anchor of your liberties, write its precepts in your hearts, and practice them in your lives.”

“The Bible is the rock on which our Republic rests.”

“There is no book like the Bible for nourishing the mind and heart.”

“The Bible stands with open arms to embrace all who seek its wisdom.”

“In the Bible, we find not only the principles of religion, but the principles of all good government.”

“The Bible is the only fountain of true wisdom.”

“The Bible is the charter of our liberties.”

“It is impossible to govern the world without God and the Bible.”

“The Bible is a book of statutes, adopted by the Supreme Court of the Universe.” QUOTES FOR LAST DAY OF THE YEAR

“He who neglects the Bible laboring to secure happiness on this earth is like an ignorant man neglecting the surest road to happiness in the hereafter.”

“The Bible is full of inspiration, consolation, and instruction for all.”

“The Bible is the grandest instrument for moral and spiritual culture that the world has ever seen.”

“The Bible is a safe and certain guide for the weary traveler through the mazes of life.”

“I would rather rely on the Bible than on all the laws and constitutions that human ingenuity has ever framed.”

“The Bible is the greatest book of all books, and it should be read and studied by all who aspire to be wise and just.”

“The Bible not only instructs us in relation to our duties to God but also to our duties to our fellow men.”

“The Bible is the great light that will illumine the pathway of humanity as it advances from darkness to light.”

“The Bible is the book of books, the light of lights, and the guide of guides.”

“The Bible is the best legacy we can leave to our children.”

“The Bible provides a remedy for every evil, a comfort for every sorrow, and a solution for every problem.”

“The Bible is a treasure of wisdom and knowledge, and its teachings are applicable to every sphere of human life.”